Family Care is Wisconsin's Medicaid long-term care waiver program to provide greater choices to consumers, who include frail older people and persons with disabilities, and to provide services in a cost-effective manner. Family Care's two components are an Aging and Disability Resource Center for...
Human: Health and human services Access: health and nutrition benefits Aging Consortium: Milwaukee Aging Consortium; portal for aging-related information, activities, resources, and concerns; connects professionals who serve seniors; community-based agencies, residential facilities, allied health organizations...
Family Care is Wisconsin's Medicaid long-term care waiver program to provide greater choices to consumers, who include frail older people and persons with disabilities, and to provide services in a cost-effective manner. Family Care's two components are an Aging and Disability Resource Center for...
A coordinator of services A financial planner A Guardian is Not... A caregiver A companion A service provider A warden A reformer A savior A substitute family Website Links National Guardianship Association>> Greater Wisconsin Agency on Aging Resources>> ...
Secure And Fast Exchange (S.A.F.E.) files :: Login 4 Dodge County, Wisconsin : Home Aging and Disability Resource Center. Human Services and Health Department. Land Resources and Parks. Treatment Alternativ...
Health services, health promotion, and health literacy: Report from the State of the Science in Aging with Developmental Disabilities Conference This article summarizes the proceedings of the Health Services, Health Promotion, and Health Literacy work group that was part of the "State of the Scienc...
the information referred to in this site, please contact her at 608-265-6018. Facilities and Physical Access. The Division of Facilities, Planning and Management ( FP&M Disability Resource Guide. Instruction and Academic Services. The Disability Studies Initiative. Contains information and services ...