Subtest scatter on the WISC-R was examined by analyzing Verbal-Performance IQ discrepancies, subtest scaled-score ranges and subtest scaled-score standard deviations of 290 psychoeducationally normal 9-year-old children whose IQs ranged from 100 to 140+. Although there were no differences betwee...
WISC Subtest and IQ Score Correlates of Father AbsenceChildrenCognitive AbilityFatherless FamilyFathersIntelligence TestsParent Child RelationshipPerformance FactorsSex DifferencesSocial DifferencesAbstract N/Adoi:10.1080/00221325.1970.10532577Lessing, Elise E...
Subtest scatter on the WISC-R was examined by analyzing Verbal-Performance IQ discrepancies, subtest scaled-score ranges and subtest scaled-score standard deviations of 290 psychoeducationally normal 9-year-old children whose IQs ranged from 100 to 140+. Although there were no differences bet...
Also, no significant index or subtest score differences were present when the current sample was compared to the children with TBI reported by Allen, Thaler, Donohue and Mayfield (2010). The present findings are consistent with two prior studies of the WISC-IV in children with TBI, providing ...
Test ReviewsPsychologists must often make decisions about the significance of scaled score differences between subtests on the WISC-R. Differences which statistically significant at the .05 and .01 level are presented. Generally, minimum differences of 3 to 5 points are necessary at the .05 level...