由于其与Arduino的“wiring”系统较为类似,故以此命名。它是采用GNULGPLv3 许可证的,可以在C或C++上使用,而且在其他编程语言上也有对应的扩展。 wiringPi库包含了一个命令行工具gpio,它可以用来设置GPIO管脚,可以用来读写 GPIO管脚,甚至可以在Shell脚本中使用来达到控制GPIO管脚的目的。
This sets the pull-up or pull-down resistor mode on the given pin, which should be set as an input. Unlike the Arduino, the BCM2835 has both pull-up an down internal resistors. The parameter pud should be; PUD_OFF, (no pull up/down), PUD_DOWN (pull to ground) or PUD_UP (pull...
It’s designed to be familiar to people who have used the Arduino “wiring” system1 and is intended for use by experienced C/C++ programmers. It is not a newbie learning tool. WiringPi 是一个用 C 语言编写的基于 PIN 的 GPIO 访问库,适用于所有 Raspberry Pi 中使用的 BCM2835、BCM2836 和...
树莓派-WiringPi-C语言-led程序 ***如果要用wiringPi库来开发,其好处是: (1)其编程模式像在arduino的IDE上编写代码一样,可以通过调用一些库来进行操作,编写。 (2)语言编写的话,可以用C和C++来进行编写代码,这个对于用C和C++有语言基础的人来说是件好事,就不用python来进行代码的编写了。 一,用wiringPi开发...
与Arduino不同的是,树莓派支持的拉电阻模式更丰富。树莓派内部的拉电阻达 50K欧姆LED闪烁程序#include<iostream>#include<cstdlib>#include<wiringPi.h>c 9、onst int LEDpin = 1;int main() if (- 1=wiringPiSetup()( cerr<<"setup errornexit(-1);pinMode(LEDpin,OUTPUT);for (size_t i= 0;i<...
Node.js bindings to wiringPi. Contribute to WiringPi/WiringPi-Node development by creating an account on GitHub.
创建工程时,选择File -> New Project -> Visual C++ -> Windows -> Windows IoT Core -> Arduino Wiring Application for Windows IoT Core,如下图所示。 在默认的源程序中,就给出了闪烁LED灯的例子,其默认代码如下: void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: ...
Outputs a value (0 or 1) to the given pin. delay() This delays for a number of milliseconds. So there should be nothing out of the ordinary here – and some will be very familiar if you have used an Arduino in the past. When your program is running, you can press Control-C to ...
创建工程时,选择File -> New Project -> Visual C++ -> Windows -> Windows IoT Core -> Arduino Wiring Application for Windows IoT Core,如下图所示。 在默认的源程序中,就给出了闪烁LED灯的例子,其默认代码如下: void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: ...
Arduino Relay Circuit Diagram The Arduino-controlled relay circuit is shown below. This circuit explains to you how to control a relay with the help of an Arduino. The required components to build this circuit mainly include the Arduino Board, Resistors – 1K & 10K,BC547 transistor, 6V/12V ...