举例来说,如果你觉得你的网络上有一个恶意的DHCP服务器在分发IP,你可以简单地修改DHCP协议的着色规则,使其呈现黄色(或者其他便于辨认地颜色)。这可以使你能够更快地找出所有DHCP流量,并让你地数据包分析工作更有效率。 你还可以通过基于你自己定制地过滤器创建着色规则,来扩展这些着色规则地用途。
单击Edit按钮,你会看到一个Edit Color Filter窗口,如下图所示。 这里的2.2.7版本稍微有一点改动,具体可以看出来。 单击Background Color按钮。 使用颜色滚轮选择一个你希望使用的颜色,然后单击OK。 再次单击OK来应用改变,并回到主窗口。主窗口此时应该已经重载,并使用了更改过的颜色样式。 让你在网络上使用Wireshark...
10.DHCP 注意:DHCP协议的检索规则不是dhcp/DHCP, 而是bootp 以寻找伪造DHCP服务器为例,介绍Wireshark的用法。在显示过滤器中加入过滤规则, 显示所有非来自DHCP服务器并且bootp.type==0x02(Offer/Ack/NAK)的信息: bootp.type==0x02 and not ip.src==
[ -p ] [ -P <path setting>] [ -r <infile> ] [ -R <read (display) filter> ] [ -s <capture snaplen> ] [ -S ] [ -t a|ad|d|dd|e|r|u|ud ] [ -v ] [ -w <outfile> ] [ -X <eXtension option> ] [ -y <capture link type> ] [ -Y <displaY filter> ] [ -z <...
You can still use the old filter names for the time being, e.g., “bootp.type” is equivalent to “dhcp.type” but Wireshark will show the warning “"bootp" is deprecated” when you use it. Support for the deprecated fields may be removed in the future. 显示过滤表达式 dhcp 会以绿色...
It is now possible to compare two fields in a display filter (for example: udp.srcport != udp.dstport). The two fields must be of the same type for this to work. The Windows installers ship with WinPcap 4.1.3, which supports Windows 8. USB type and product name support has been...
[ -p ] [ -P <path setting>] [ -r <infile> ] [ -R <read (display) filter> ] [ -s <capture snaplen> ] [ -S ] [ -t a|ad|d|dd|e|r|u|ud ] [ -v ] [ -w <outfile> ] [ -X <eXtension option> ] [ -y <capture link type> ] [ -Y <displaY filter> ] [ -z <...
8、lt;<ip.addr=your_ip_address,(ip.addr= 5),过滤器(filter)将会删除 所有目的地址和源地址都与指定ip地址不同的分组。(4) 开始wireshark俘获。(5) 在浏览器的地址栏屮输入:(6) 停止分组俘获。fie edrt view go capture analyze statistics telephony tools internals help馴眼曲鼻g瀝星d丄g羽殄q莎盘...
The DHCP server has been configured incorrectly. The DHCP scopes does not include information allowing the servicing of the subnet or zone that the workstation is in. NOTE: For ipxe use the filter: bootp||tcp.port==4433 and there should be a GET sequence for a wim file ...
Set the capture filter expression. This option can occur multiple times. If used before the first occurrence of the -i option, it sets the default capture filter expression. If used after an -i option, it sets the capture filter expression for the interface specified by the last -i option...