“matches” 操作符只能应用于协议或者字符串类型的协议字段。例如:搜索一个给定的wAP WSP User-Agent,你可以这样写过滤器: wsp.user_agent matches "(?i)cldc" 函数 --- 过滤器的语言还有下面几个函数: upper(string-field)-把字符串转换成大写 lower(string-field)-把字符串转换成小写 upper((和lower((在...
“matches” 操作符只能应用于协议或者字符串类型的协议字段。例如:搜索一个给定的wAP WSP User-Agent,你可以这样写过滤器: wsp.user_agent matches "(?i)cldc" 函数 --- 过滤器的语言还有下面几个函数: upper(string-field)-把字符串转换成大写 lower(string-field)-把字符串转换成小写 upper((和lower((在...
http.request.method=="GET"&& http contains"User-Agent:" 过滤HTTP请求类型为GET并且携带User-Agent: 字段的数据包; POST包: http.request.method=="POST"&& http contains"Host:" 过滤HTTP请求类型为POST并且携带Host: 字段的数据包; http.request.method=="POST"&& http contains"User-Agent:" 过滤HTTP请求...
http.user_agent HTTP User-Agent header http.user_agent == "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.131 Safari/537.36" http.content_type HTTP Content-Type http.content_type == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8" h...
The "matches" operator allows a filter to apply to a specified Perl-compatible regular expression (PCRE). The "matches" operator is only implemented for protocols and for protocol fields with a text string representation. For example, to search for a given WAP WSP User-Agent, you can write:...
Wireshark的Filter分为两种,一种为Capture Filter,另一种是Display Filter。 Capture Filter出现在初始界面,在网卡列表的上方有个输入框,允许我们输入capture filter,一旦输入了特定的capture规则,Wireshark就只捕获符合该规则的流量包了。 Display Filter出现在流量监控界面,在工具栏的下方有个输入框,允许我们输入display...
http.request.method == “POST” && http contains “User-Agent: “ // 响应包 http contains “HTTP/1.1 200 OK” && http contains “Content-Type: “ http contains “HTTP/1.0 200 OK” && http contains “Content-Type: “ 一定包含如下 ...
W W 7;7; clcl 1 1 ententporr=6D72-6D73porr=6D72-6D73user-Agentuser-Agent: : CUCU M5PM5P 1.0rn1.0rn rnrnStepStep 3 3过滤给定端口下的数据在wireshark的filter中输入 9、udp.port eq 6072如图:0000 2020 3?3? OdOd 0a0aOObOOObOOOcQOOcQOOdQOOdQODOD50503i3i55 2f2f 5252 5151 5050 并...
linux上运行的wireshark图形窗口截图示例,其他过虑规则操作类似,不再截图。 ip.src eq 截图示例: 提示: 在Filter编辑框中,收入过虑规则时,如果语法有误,框会显红色,如正确,会是绿色。 2.过滤端口 例子: tcp.port eq 80 // 不管端口是来源的还是目标的都显示 ...
“HTTP/1.”// GET包 http.request.method == “GET” && http contains “Host: “http.request.method == “GET” && http contains “User-Agent: “// POST包 http.request.method == “POST” && http contains “Host: “http.request.method == “POST” && http contains “User-Agent: “