wiresharkrtp帧率wireshark帧分析 注1: 正文区的目录结构。一级标题用阿拉伯数字大写,二级以下(含)用点分式阿拉伯数字。注 2:实验介绍及回答部分,均可图文并用;如用图,建议居中显示,并附上图标题(编好图号)一、实验目的1.理解以太网 MAC 地址2.学习并分析以太网 MAC帧格式的结构、含义3.了解 ARP 地址解析协...
其实 RTP 包包括两个部分:第一个部分是RTP 头;另外一个部分是RTP 有效载荷。其中 RTP 头主要是用来携带前面说的那些额外信息的,等会儿我会详细介绍一下 RTP 头部每个字段的意义。这里我先稍微跟你解释一下另外一个部分,也就是 RTP 有效载荷。RTP 有效载荷,其实就是 RTP 包里面的实际数据。如果是 H264 编码...
The RTP Streams dialog has been added. The Protocol Hierarchy Statistics dialog has been added. The following features are new (or have been significantly updated) since version 1.99.0: Qt port: You can now show and hide toolbars and major widgets using the View menu. You can now...
IP addresses are displayed for IP packets, but the MAC layer address is displayed for unknown packet types. The right mouse button can be used to pop up a menu of operations. The middle mouse button can be used to mark a packet. Packet Details Pane The middle pane contains a display of...
Compiled with GTK+ 2.6.9, with GLib 2.6.6, with WinPcap (version unknown), with libz 1.2.3, with libpcre 6.4, with Net-SNMP 5.2.2, with ADNS, with Lua 5.1.Running with WinPcap version 3.1 (packet.dll version 3, 1, 0, 27), based on libpcap version 0.9[.x] on Windows XP ...
2) if the bug happened on Linux, the Linux distribution you were using, and the version of that distribution; 3) the command you used to invoke Wireshark, if you ran Wireshark from the command line, or TShark, if you ran TShark, and the sequence of operations you performed that caused...
如果系统未指定IP地址,将会显示为unknown Link-layerheadertype 除非你有些特殊应用,尽量保持此选项默认。想了解更多详情,见第4.7节“链路层包头类型”Buffersize:nmegabyte(s) 输入用于捕捉的缓层大小。该选项是设置写入数据到磁盘前保留在核心缓存中捕捉数据的大小,如果你发现丢包。尝试增 大该值。 注意 该选项仅...
假如系统未指定 IP 地点,将会显示为 unknown Link-layer header type 除非你有些特别应用,尽量保持此选项默认。想认识更多详情,见第节 “链路层包头种类” Buffer size: n megabyte(s) 输入用于捕获的缓层大小。该选项是设置写入数据到磁盘前保存在中心缓存中捕获数据的大小,假如你发现丢包。试试增大该值。注意该...
抓取一个包含H.264 Payload RTP包的SIP会话或RTSP会话后,用Wireshark的Play功能只能播放声音,不能播放视频。把RTP payload直接导出成文件后也是不能直接播放的,因为H.264 over RTP封包是符合RFC3984规范的,必须按照该规范把H.264数据取出来