地址解析协议,即ARP(Address Resolution Protocol),是根据IP地址获取物理地址的一个TCP/IP协议。其功能是:主机将ARP请求广播到网络上的所有主机,并接收返回消息,确定目标IP地址的物理地址,同时将IP地址和硬件地址存入本机ARP缓存中,下次请求时直接查询ARP缓存。 最初从PC发出的ARP请求确定IP地址192.168.1.1的MAC地址,...
一般来说一个端口对应一个主机mac地址。 当我们在一个主机上频繁的更改mac地址并向交换机发送数据,交换机就会在自己的mac表中记录大量的mac地址,并对应同一个端口,这就是mac泛洪攻击。 2.使用macof工具进行泛洪攻击 在kali linux中,自带macof工具。 macof -i eth0 1. kali linux在执行这条命令后,会使用大...
Num MAC Vendor--- --- ---0000-00:00:00-Xerox Corporation0001-00:00:01-Xerox Corporation0002-00:00:02-Xerox Corporation0003-00:00:03-Xerox Corporation0004-00:00:04-Xerox Corporation0005-00:00:05-Xerox Corporation0006-00:00:06-Xerox Corporation0007-00:00:07-Xerox Corporation0008-00:00:0...
Figure 5. Correlating the MAC address, IP address and hostname from DHCP traffic. By default, Wireshark attempts to resolve the first 3 bytes of a MAC address to a vendor identification. In Figure 5, the vendor identification of the MAC address showsApple_. That and the hostname ending wi...
MAC Address: 00:0C:29:74:BE:21 (VMware) Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 1.31 seconds 2)检查192.168.4.0/24网段内哪些主机开启了FTP、SSH服务 [root@svr5 ~]# nmap -p 21-22 Starting Nmap 5.51 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2015-05-17 18:00 CST ...
(0x01) #硬件类型#Client MAC address: LiteonTe_47:ad:e1 (58:00:e3:47:ad:e1) #客户端MAV地址#Option: (50) Requested IP Address #请求IP地址#Length: 4 #长度值#Requested IP Address: ( #请求的IP地址#Option: (12) Host Name #客户端主机名#Length: 8 #长度值...
Resolve MAC address:一经勾选,就会让Wireshark在显示数据时,将MAC地址中的网络设备制造商ID(vendor ID)解析为相对应的厂商(网络设备制造商)名称。 Resolve network name:一经勾选,就会让Wireshark在显示数据时,将IP地址解析为相对应的DNS名称。 Resolve transport name:一经勾选,就会让Wireshark在显示数据时,将第...
localbssid,ssid,vendor=bssid_f(),ssid_f(),vendor_f() --ifnossidfield,ssid=nil,weshouldskipit. ifnotssidthenreturnend --bssidmacaddressasastring localb=tostring(bssid) ifstring.sub(b,1,6)=="ff:ff:"thenreturnend ifnetworks[b]==nilthen ...
If you want to turn off name resolution while using Wireshark, start Wireshark with the -n option to turn off all name resolution (including resolution of MAC addresses and TCP/UDP/SMTP port numbers to names) or with the -N mt option to turn off name resolution for all network-layer ad...
udp[8:3]==81:60:03 The "slice" feature is also useful to filter on the vendoridentifierpart (OUI) of the MAC address, see theEthernetpage for details. Thus you may restrict the display to only packets from a specific devicemanufacturer. E.g. for DELL machines only: ...