使用 Wireshark 任意进行抓包,熟悉 Ethernet 帧的结构,如:目的 MAC、源 MAC、类型、字段等。 答:打开wireshark软件,进行任意抓包,可以得到如下的截图,截图中可以清晰地看到目的 MAC、源 MAC、类型、字段等一些基本的信息。 答:原因:wireshark软件会自动地将校验字段给过滤掉,所以这里没有显示该字段。 ...
为了深入了解 捕获到的数据包,我们可以查看其中一个HTTP请求包的详细信息,例如数据包 4 。 从上面这个数据包中,我们可以了解到一些非常重要的信息,如主机(host)、用户代理(user-agent)、所请求的URI(requested URI)和响应(response)。 我们可以使用 Wireshark 的一些内置功能来帮助理解所有这些数据并重新组织数据以供...
# fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /scripts$fastcgi_script_name; # include fastcgi_params; #} # deny access to .htaccess files, if Apache's document root # concurs with nginx's one # #location ~ /\.ht { # deny all; #} } # another virtual host using mix of IP-, name-, and port-...
1、通过wireshark官网下载:https://www.wireshark.org/2、设置捕获过滤器打开wireshark,菜单–>捕获–>捕获过滤器(F),如图1在捕获过滤器设置页面(如图2),新增,如图2左边是捕获过滤器名称,右边是捕获过滤器规则,常用的规则如:1、根据端口号去过滤:port 3602、根据ip去过滤:host ...
ARP scanning from the infected Windows host File transfer over SMB between the infected Windows host and the domain controller Malware: SHA256 hash: 713207d9d9875ec88d2f3a53377bf8c2d620147a4199eb183c13a7e957056432 File size: 1,761,280 bytes File location: hxxp://128.254.207[.]55/86607....
1、通过wireshark官网下载:https://www.wireshark.org/ 2、设置捕获过滤器 打开wireshark,菜单–>捕获–>捕获过滤器(F),如图1 在捕获过滤器设置页面(如图2),新增,如图2左边是捕获过滤器名称,右边是捕获过滤器规则,常用的规则如: 1、根据端口号去过滤:port 360 2、根据ip去过滤:host 192.168...Wire...
Figure 18 shows the username and password for this compromised FTP site, then a STOR command to send an HTML file to the FTP server. This represents stolen data being exfiltrated from the infected Windows host. We can follow the TCP streams to review the FTP commands and examine the stolen...
Example: -z ``smb,srt,ip.addr=='' will collect stats only for SMB packets exchanged by the host at IP address . -z voip,calls This option will show a window that shows VoIP calls found in the capture file. This is the same window shown as when you go to the ...
Wireshark’s main menu is located at the top of the main window in Windows 11. The main menu contains many file options that are listed below. File Edit View Go Capture Analyze Statistics Telephony Wireless Tools Help Detailed Overview of Wireshark in Windows 11 – Fig. 3 ...
Host 指定请求的服务器的域名和端口号 If-Match 只有请求内容与实体相匹配才有效 If-Modified-Since 如果请求的部分在指定时间之后被修改则请求成功,未被修改则返回304代码 If-None-Match 如果内容未改变返回304代码,参数为服务器先前发送的Etag,与服务器回应的Etag比较判断是否改变 If-Range 如果实体未改变,服务器发...