Protocol(协议): 可能值: ether, fddi, ip, arp, rarp, decnet, lat, sca, moprc, mopdl, tcp and udp. 如果没指明协议类型,则默认为捕捉所有支持的协议。 注:在wireshark的HELP-Manual Pages-Wireshark Filter中查到其支持的协议。 Direction(方向): 可能值: src, dst, src and dst, src or dst ...
- 选择 capture -> options。 - 填写"capture filter"栏或者点击"capture filter"按钮为您的过滤器起一个名字并保存,以便在今后的捕捉中继续使用这个过滤器。 在Filter name输入文件名,filter string地方输入过滤字符串,点击OK后字符串会显示到图一的Capture filter里面。 或者双击Capture列中选项进行修改。 Protocol(...
A destination filter can be applied to restrict the packet view in wireshark to only those packets that have destination IP as mentioned in the filter. For example: ip.dst == 5. Filter by Protocol Its very easy to apply filter for a particular protocol. Just write the name o...
The simplest filter allows you to check for the existence of a protocol or field. If you want to see all packets which contain the IP protocol, the filter would be "ip" (without the quotation marks). To see all packets that contain a Token-Ring RIF field, use "tr.rif". 译文: 最简...
「Wireshark 显示过滤」(display filter),即通过过滤筛选,需要显示哪些特定的数据包。 作用 显示过滤器允许将注意力集中在感兴趣的数据包上,同时隐藏当前不感兴趣的数据包。 允许只显示数据包基于: 协议 字段是否存在 字段值 字段间的比较 ... 语言 显示过滤器语言由 Wireshark 自身提供,通过不同的过滤表达式可以...
Display Filter(显示过滤器), 用于过滤 Packet List Pane(封包列表), 显示捕获到的封包, 有源地址和目标地址,端口号。 颜色不同,代表 Packet Details Pane(封包详细信息), 显示封包中的字段 Dissector Pane(16进制数据) Miscellanous(地址栏,杂项) 5、包过滤 ...
1.在Preferences窗口中点击Filter Expressions设置选项,如图2.7所示。 图2.7 2.点击“+”号按钮,先在Filter Expression一栏里输入显示过滤器表达式,再在Button Label一栏里为它起个名字,最后点击OK按钮。 3.点击OK按钮之后,之前输入的显示过滤器表达式将会以按钮的形式,出现在显示过滤器工具条的右侧。
FILTERSYNTAX CheckwhetherafieldorprotocolexistsThe simplest filter allows you to check for the existence of a protocol or field. If you want to see all packets which contain the IP protocol, the filter would be "ip" (without the quotation marks). To see all packets that contain a Token-Rin...
It is possible to create capture filters in the protocol header fields. The syntax looks like this: proto[offset:size(optional)]=value. Here, proto represents the protocol you want to filter, offset represents the position of the value in the header of the packet, the size represents the le...
FILTER SYNTAX 过滤器语法 Check whether a field or protocol exists 检测一个域或者协议是否存在 The simplest filter allows you to check for the existence of a protocol or field. If you want to see all packets which contain the IP protocol, the filter would be "ip" (without the quotation mark...