Conference mode is an added new feature for compatible Panasonic Connect wireless microphone receivers to provide flexibility for the type(s) of wireless microphones used. In conference mode, up to 6 wireless microphones can be paired with one channel on a compatible wireless mic receiver but only...
• Integrated network port allows control, monitoring and setup via Sennheiser Control Cockpit and WSM Software • Broad range of products and existing accessories (such as microphones) allows usage in any kind of environ-ment • Up to 88 MHz bandwidth, up to 32 channels • Increased RF ...
Microphone quality is pretty decent, you’ll probably be using these to talk to your teammates if you’re playing battle royale games and such, so rest assured they can hear you well enough. As for sound quality, it’s actually better than I expected. The 10mm driver inside does a good...
“The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are,” proclaimed the great Jim Morrison. Was he referring to wireless microphones? Probably not. But we’d like to imagine that the Lizard King would’ve been all over them if the technology had existed back then - and would...
The mtu101 Microphone Transmitter Unit (in a boundary mic design) features a programmable touch-sensitive switch (that can be programmed for push-to-talk, push-to-mute, or toggle operation) and 9-hour rechargeable battery life. The drm141 Digital Receiver Module consists of a completely integrat...
Find out more about state-wide push to talk radio coverage About Peak Mobile Comm Peak Mobile Communicationis a wireless solutions provider specializing in two way radio. We sell and service radio equipment, design and implement private communication systems as well as help you with any and all ...
It would allow communication among handheld personal computers, personal digital assistants, headsets, microphones, cell phones, and almost anything that could be carried. Some even foresee the potential of transferring information from one person to another via physical contact using natural conductive ...
Automatic Mode Provides Push-to-Talk Freedom Some types of meetings benefit from greater control over microphone activation. At a training seminar, for example, it may be desirable for participants to be able to have small group conversations before asking the presenter a question. In this ...
While not all microphones are created equal, Sennheiser is one of a handful of companies that generally hits a certain level of quality here, considering microphones mounted in headphones are never going to sound perfect. If you absolutely must have microphone quality better than this, you may ...
But selecting and installing new wireless microphones for a small school, church, or theater is something that you can probably do yourself. In this article we’ll talk about what is by far the most overlooked part of a wireless microphone system: the receiving antennas. The signal from the ...