Trova i prezzi più bassi su Power bank wireless ✓ Scopri 23 modelli migliori ✓ Scopri le offerte ora
Mi Wireless Pwerbank Specs: ✓Qi Certified ✓2-Way Fast Charging ✓10W Fast Wireless Charging ✓18W Fast Charging Output Port ✓Fast Charging USB-C Input Port
Xiaomi Wireless Powerbank 10000 mAh, Xiaomi India is the only distribution channel for Xiaomi original accessories in India
TOPBAND Wireless PowerBank with Charging Dock二合一无线充,可自由切换无线充电宝和立式无线充两种状态,对应室内室外两类使用场景,使用方便。采用英集芯全套解决方案:无线充部分搭载英集芯IP6808主控方案,移动电源部分搭载IP5328P主控方案,集成度高,便于开发和生产。
10000mAh 高容量更輕、更薄、更美觀10000mAh 高容量,外殼僅 240 公克。有兩種顏色可供選擇:黑色或白色。簡單易用、方便攜帶。 最多可同時為三部裝置充電可選擇有線和無線充電配備 10W 無線快充和兩個 22.5W 有線充電埠。最多可同時為三部裝置充電。透過 USB 連接埠為Xiaomi Pad 與藍牙耳機充電時,也能以無線...
Charge your smartphone and other mobile devices wirelessly with this powerbank. It comes in ultra-thin design with a smooth surface and has a bi-directional USB interface. The powerbank flaunts a high capacity of 10000mAh and comes with automatic sleep/wake-up function to ensure low power con...
Shandong Battery Energy Co.,LTD specializes in producing power banks and wireless power banks, Magsafe power banks, magnetic power banks, IPhone power bank (power bank for Iphone), etc. If you need it, please feel free to contact us at any time
Alkaline Button Cell Silver Oxide Battery Zinc-air Battery Packages Products-Rechargeable Cylindrical Li-ion Cell Prismatic Li-ion Cell Li Polymer Cell Battery Pack Products No related results found About Us Company Introduction News Career CenterContact Us ...
Wireless Power Bank 10000 mAh (with Charging Cable) Beige From ₹169.65/mo for 24 mos or ₹3499.00 MRP (Inclusive of all taxes) Was Price₹3999.00PriceSave ₹500.00 Price includes INR 500 instant savings - 13% off. Limited time only. ...
TOFU 是一款磁性无线充电宝,灵感来自生活日常的豆腐块。我们设计了一个细腻且赋予美感的造型,并且使用回收塑料来诠释豆腐的柔软形状与质地。希望透过此设计找到智能手机和移动电源之间美好的结合。 TOFU is a magnetic wireless power bank charger inspired by traditional Asian Tofu blocks. We create a specific form...