Please refer to [Wireless Router] How to reset the router to factory default setting? for how to restore the router to default status. Step3. Go to [Wireless] > [General], you can set the channel bandwidth for different frequency bands (2.4GHZ/5 GHZ /5 GHZ -2/6 GHZ) respectively....
How to improve wireless speed by setting Channel Bandwidth in Wireless Router How to improve Wi-Fi Connection Quality of Service (QoS) How to check if the ASUS wireless router supports Adaptive QoS How to enable the Website History feature in ASUS Router How to set up Adaptive QoS - Bandwidt...
开启无线排程(Enable wireless scheduler): 此选项为 WIFI 定时开关选项,如客户有 WIFI 定时开关需求,可在 Time Setting 中设置 定时开关时间段。 禁止无线用户互通(Set AP Isolated): 连在同一个路由器 wifi 下的设备都属于同一个局域网。若此网络是一个公用网络,那你的设备就会暴露在其他人的视线下,此功能可...
[Wireless Router] How to fix wireless Control Channel [Wireless Router] How to improve wireless speed by setting Channel Bandwidth in Wireless Router [Wireless Router] What is DFS (Dynamic Frequency Selection) and how does it work on ASUS router [Wireless Router] What is difference between 2.4GH...
Bandbandwidth:20Mbandwidth,40Mbandwidth,andautomatic adaptationareoptional. Wirelessfunction:ifturnedon,thehostthataccessesthe wirelessnetworkwillaccessthewirednetwork. SSIDbroadcast:ifturnedon,thewirelessrouterbroadcasts SSIDtothehostinthewirelessnetwork. ...
In this example, the wireless channel is left at Auto, which is also the default setting.In this example, Channel 6 is chosen.Step 7. (Optional) Check the Enable check box in the U-APSD (WMM Power Save) area to enable the Unscheduled Autom...
3. User Datagram Protocol (UDP) traffic bandwidth limitation is set to 0 (no restriction) in the Platinum QoS profile.4. The Platinum QoS profile is applied to the configured WLAN.5. The Fastlane EDCA (Enhanced Distributed Channel Access) profile, matching the recommendations of ...
Setting the RTS-CTS Operation Mode in a Radio Profile The Request To Send/Clear To Send (RTS/CTS) handshake protocol prevents data transmission failures caused by channel conflicts. If STAs perform RTS/CTS handshakes before sending data each time, RTS frames consume high channel bandw...
A proper ACK timeout setting can improve data transmission efficiency between APs. Spectrum analysis Whether to enable spectrum analysis. Full-channel monitor Whether to enable the full-channel status monitoring function. After the full-channel status monitoring function is enabled, APs can scan the ...
Or, every mobile terminal accommodated in the radio communication system having a predetermined value or more processing bandwidth capability, setting a predetermined value of two or more transmission bandwidth of a downlink common channel as the transmission bandwidth. 在后者的情况下,在移动终端中,识别...