无线AP,即Access Point,也就是无线接入点。简单来说就是无线网络中的无线交换机,它是移动终端用户进入有线网络的接入点,主要用于家庭宽带、企业内部网络部署等,无线覆盖距离为几十米至上百米,主要技术为802.11X系列。一般的无线AP还带有接入点客户端模式,也就是说AP之间可以进行无线链接,从而可以扩大无线网络的覆盖范...
1.性质不同 Access Point即(无线)访问接入点。如果无线网卡可比作有线网络中的以太网卡,那么AP就是传统有线网络中的HUB,也是目前组建小型无线局域网时最常用的设备。wireless router即无线路由器可以看作一个转发器,将家中墙上接出的宽带网络信号通过天线转发给附近的无线网络设备(笔记本电脑、支持wifi...
Wirelesslocal area networkconsistsofwirelessstations,wirelessaccesspointandcomputers. 无线局域网由无线工作站、无线接入点、计算机及相关设备组成。 www.dictall.com 8. Yourcomputer'swirelesshardwareisawirelessaccesspoint,notawirelessnetworkadapter. 计算机的无线网络硬件是无线访问点,不是无线网络适配器。
什么是无线接入点 Access point? 无线接入点,通常称为接入点 (AP),是一种网络设备,可通过无线方式轻松访问 Internet,大多数接入点看起来与路由器非常相似,事实上,现代路由器通常可以用作接入点,Internet 服务提供商通常会为其客户提供具有接入点功能的路由器,以简化设置。
An access point acts as a central transmitter and receiver ofwireless radiosignals. Mainstream wireless APs support Wi-Fi and are used in homes, public internethotspots, and business networks to accommodate wireless mobile devices. The access point can be incorporated into a wired router or a stan...
Purchasing a wireless access point It's important to note that not all APs are alike, and not all products offer the same features and performance. Organizations should particularly consider the following features and capabilities: Nondisruptive scalability.APs should be supported transparently and be ...
Router模式,即当无线路由器使用;如果是作为一个无线交换机使用,就把它设置为Access Point,即AP模式。这时它就是一个无线交换机;如果是采用无线桥接方式连接到上级路由器当二级路由器使用就把他设置为WDS+AP模式,相当于把二级路由器的WAN接口连接到一级路由器的LAN接口,当二级路由器使用。
Wireless Access Point Wireless Access Point (WAP) is essentially hardware equipment that enables wireless devices to connect to wireless networks, via standards such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and so on. The WAP device typically connects to a wired network, and acts as a communication interface between ...
On the Choice of Access Point Selection Criterion and Other Position Estimation Characteristics for WLAN-Based Indoor Positioning The positioning based on Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) is one of the most promising technologies for indoor location-based services, generally using ... E Laitinen,ES...