2.防火墙配置问题 Windows Server 防火墙可能会阻止 WireGuard 的流量或 NAT 转发。如果没有正确配置防火墙,VPN 流量可能被阻止。 配置防火墙: 确保WireGuard 的 UDP 端口(例如51820)在 Windows 防火墙上被允许。 打开Windows Defender 防火墙->高级设置。 在入站规则中,添加一条规则允许 WireGuard 的端口(通常是51820)...
firewall-cmd --reload Windows节点 windows做这个穿透会比较复杂,因为windows不像linux那样有iptables可以配置,需要设置的可以参考这篇https://www.henrychang.ca/how-to-setup-wireguard-vpn-server-on-windows/ 使用TCP来避免防火墙的UDP规则影响 可以使用udptunnel https://gist.github.com/insdavm/90cbeffe76ba4a...
firewall-cmd --reload Windows节点 windows做这个穿透会比较复杂,因为windows不像linux那样有iptables可以配置,需要设置的可以参考这篇https://www.henrychang.ca/how-to-setup-wireguard-vpn-server-on-windows/ 使用TCP来避免防火墙的UDP规则影响 可以使用udptunnel https://gist.github.com/insdavm/90cbeffe76ba4a...
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=3367/udp --permanent sudo firewall-cmd --reload 三、生成服务器端key wg genkey | tee server.key | wg pubkey > server.pub 四、配置服务器端 [Interface] Address = #服务器组网IP ListenPort = 3367 # 端口 PrivateKey = <server.key...
I also tried on a Windows 7 VM and it did the same. I'm a bit suspecting my WireGuard server setup as it's installed through Firezone in a docker. And this could be the problem. I'll start a new Debian with just ordinary WireGuard installation to see. I'll keep you updated. Tha...
Fully automated WireGuard VPN server setup, no user input needed Supports interactive install using custom options Generates VPN profiles to auto-configure Windows, macOS, iOS and Android devices Supports managing WireGuard VPN users Optimizessysctlsettings for improved VPN performance ...
Check the Public WAN IP address of the DAL router, that will be needed in next steps to configure the Windows WG Client (Note: when acting as a server, the DAL router must be reachable from the remote peers, so it will need a Public IP on the WAN interface). ...
VPN Client Setup(WireGuard Client) :0. Click here to download WireGuard client, then install it.1. Open WireGuard Client.Click Add Tunnel. Choose the .conf file downloaded from the VPN server. Choose this profile and click Activate.Now the status shows "Active"....
My setup Servers Wireguard-Server root server (cloud VM with public IPv4 and IPv6) Configured as Wireguard server Also configured as web server for mydomain.tld Docker-Host Wireguard client connected to the Wireguard-Server via wg-quick (outside of docker) ...
Once your order is successfully placed and payment is completed, our team will get in touch with you to provide an exact timeframe for server readiness. Typically, the server setup process takes no more than 15 minutes, though it may vary depending on the server type. ...