I setup Wireguard on a Windows desktop (hostname is WINDOWS11). I use my iPhone to test Wireguard. I have a pretty standard Linksys router that also acts as DNS on my network. It's just a regular old consumer level router. Once connected, I cannot ping WINDOWS11 by hostname. I can ...
Connecting a Windows 11 WireGuard client to the Ubuntu WireGuard server Open the WireGuard client and click on the Activate (A) button: We can check the connection status with wg tool on the Ubuntu server: The connection is successful.
Installing WireGuard on a computer is pretty straightforward, it’s available for most systems (Windows, macOS, Linux), and can be downloaded fromthe official download page. Follow the instructions on this page to install it if needed. For example, on Windows, you’ll get an installer (just ...
firewall-cmd --reload Windows节点 windows做这个穿透会比较复杂,因为windows不像linux那样有iptables可以配置,需要设置的可以参考这篇https://www.henrychang.ca/how-to-setup-wireguard-vpn-server-on-windows/ 使用TCP来避免防火墙的UDP规则影响 可以使用udptunnel https://gist.github.com/insdavm/90cbeffe76ba4a...
windows做这个穿透会比较复杂,因为windows不像linux那样有iptables可以配置,需要设置的可以参考这篇https://www.henrychang.ca/how-to-setup-wireguard-vpn-server-on-windows/ 使用TCP来避免防火墙的UDP规则影响 可以使用udptunnel https://gist.github.com/insdavm/90cbeffe76ba4a51251d83af604adf94 ...
C:\Windows\system32>wstunnel client --http-upgrade-path-prefix "wstunnel" -L udp:// wss:// ←[2m2024-05-11T19:20:03.441834Z←[0m ←[32m INFO←[0m ←[2mwstunnel::udp←[0m←[2m:←[0m Starting UDP server listening cnx on
PrivateKey: The Windows client’s private key, which is automatically created. PublicKey: The server’s public key, which can be found in the/etc/wireguard/server_public.keyfile on the server. AllowedIPs: represents the whole Internet, which means all traffic to the Internet shoul...
Run the script to setup open source version of Netmaker: sudo wget -qO /root/nm-quick.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gravitl/netmaker/master/scripts/nm-quick.sh && sudo chmod +x /root/nm-quick.sh && sudo /root/nm-quick.sh ...
Naturally, we need to setup a port forward from external port 51820 to our Docker Compose Server, on the same port: I only used default Wireguard Server port in all the configuration to keep it simple, but no one forbids us to set different port numbers. ...
My setup Servers Wireguard-Server root server (cloud VM with public IPv4 and IPv6) Configured as Wireguard server Also configured as web server for mydomain.tld Docker-Host Wireguard client connected to the Wireguard-Server via wg-quick (outside of docker) ...