set操作也是有返回值的,返回的为错误编号,0代表无错误。 errno=0 {empty line} 配置文件示例 Wiresguard隧道两端技术上是对等的,也就是说没有真正意义上的server,架构是p2p,不是cs;各种终端尤其是移动终端,几乎不可能有固定的公网IP地址,一端处于nat之后的情况非常常见,所以作为终端远程接入内网使用的时候,Endpoint...
所以把允许的IP改成wireguard隧道网段和主路由器内网网段。 把DNS服务器去掉。地址也只留副路由器的隧道IP。连接端点选最开始配的DDNS地址。 右下角会生成一段配置脚本,拷贝下来,等会儿副路由器配置用。 最后在防火墙的通信规则里,要添加一条,允许wireguard连接入站。 副路由器配置: 跟主路由器一样的添加一个wir...
PublicKey = <your_server_public_key> Endpoint = your-server-ip:51820 AllowedIPs = PersistentKeepalive = 25 AllowedIPs =表示将所有流量通过 VPN 路由。 DNS应该指向一个有效的 DNS 服务器(如8.8.8.8或你的内部 DNS 服务器),以确保客户端可以解析域名。 5.DNS 配置问题 即使VPN...
Printf("miekg.dns resolve ipv6 address: %s", dnsServer) c := new(dns.Client) m := new(dns.Msg) m.SetQuestion(dns.Fqdn(name), dns.TypeAAAA) ipv6, _, err := c.Exchange(m, dnsServer) ipv6Addr := "" haveIpv6 := false if err == nil && len(ipv6.Answer) > 0 { for _...
wg set wg0 private-key /tmp/private-key listen-port 8001 检查效果 root@localhost1:~# wg genkey | tee /tmp/private-key eDAKXVHliMhTsbAeodifK8insJNM633MwMyYWl8FHFw= root@localhost1:~# ll /tmp/private-key -rw--- 1 root root 45 Oct 20 08:00 /tmp/private-key root@localhost...
echo "[Interface]PrivateKey = $(cat client_privatekey) # 填写本机的privatekey 内容Address = = = 1420[Peer]PublicKey = $(cat server_publickey) # 填写对端的publickey 内容Endpoint = server公网的IP:50814AllowedIPs =, ::0/0PersistentKeepalive = 25 ...
当客户端收到回复时,会将 IP 和端口从数据包中解包,并配置 Peer 的 endpoint 地址(wg set <interface> peer <key> <options...> endpoint <ip>:<port>)。 entry结构体源码: struct entry { uint8_t pubkey[32]; uint32_t ip; uint16_t port;...
[#] iplinksetmtu 1420 up dev HBY_NAS [#] resolvconf -a HBY_NAS -m 0 -x /usr/local/bin/wg-quick: line 32: resolvconf: command not found [#] iplinkdelete dev HBY_NAS just install it withapt-get install resolvconfand reboot, or comment out all DNS fields in configuration file ...
I’m using DNS director to force DNS requests through with “global filter mode” set to “Router”. It works amazingly as a content filter for the family. I’m now wanting to add a Wireguard VPN server to my router so the family can have a safe way to connect to ...
How to setup a VPN and a DNS sinkhole on a Debian server, using Wireguard, Pi-hole and Docker. dockertutorialdocker-composevpn-serverpiholevps-setupwireguard-vpn-setup UpdatedFeb 9, 2023 Shell 🌙 Yet another Cloudflare WARP client wrapper. ...