scp /opt/wireguard-server/config/peer1/peer1.conf username@serverIP:~/peer1.conf sudo mv ~/peer1.conf /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf #设置服务开机自启动 sudo systemctl enable wg-quick@wg0 sudo reboot #检查状态 systemctl status wg-quick@wg0 ip ad ifconfig ping #这时候可以在server...
wg genkey | tee server_privatekey | wg pubkey > server_publickey # 创建服务端公钥和私钥 cat server_privatekey # 获取服务端私钥复制保存 cat server_publickey # 获取服务端公钥复制保存MacOS 客户端公钥客户端公钥私钥 ( macOS )重复此操作创建每个客户端的公钥和私钥,请注意修改以下命令中的文件名,本文...
# 添加server端网段到本机路由表 ip route add via ... # 允许server端网络访问client端(无需ip link down + up;这里0.0.0.0/0代表所有网络) wg set wg0 peer dLssxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxq98NQKOivi3MN/VM= persistent-keepalive 25 allowed-ips, endpoint 1...
在浏览器中输入 URL<hostIP>打开图形管理界面,点击 “SERVER” 开始填写服务端和客户端的配置信息: 各项配置的含义我就不解释了,都很好理解,实在不理解的请查看?WireGuard 配置详解。 填写好配置信息后,直接点击UPDATE SERVER CONFIGURATION保存,同时会生成配置文件wg0.conf: 代码语言:javascript 复制 ?→ cat/etc/...
server # 1、设置网卡 ip link add wg0 type wireguard # 自动处理内核模块加载 ip address add dev wg0 # 2、生成秘钥 wg genkey > private.key wg pubkey < private.key # 查看公钥> # 用法:Usage: wg set <interface> [listen-port <port>] [fwmark ] [private-key <file path...
[~] # find / -name *wireguard* -type d 2>/dev/null/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/CodexPack/sys/module/wireguard/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QVPN/wireguard_log # wg 日志目录/sys/module/wireguard/mnt/HDA_ROOT/.config/qvpn/wireguard # wg 默认配置目录,就是 `/etc/config/qvpn/wireguard/` ...
Create awg0.confWireGuard config file on the main relay server [Interface]Make sure to specify a CIDR range for the entire VPN subnet when defining the address the server accepts routes forAddress = [Peer]Create a peer section for every client joining the VPN, using their corre...
ws4w.exe setnetipaddress --serverdatapath <PATH_TO_SERVER_CONFIG> This will tell WS4W to callSet-NetIPAddresson the WireGuard interface, using the network Address as defined in the given WireGuard server configuration file. This command is used by the Scheduled Task that is created when NAT...
PublicKey =server's public keyAllowedIPs =, ::/0 Endpoint = On the server Edit the/etc/wireguard/wg0.conffile to contain the following: Copy [Interface] Address = SaveConfig = true PostUp = iptables -A FORWARD -i wg0 -j ACCEPT; iptables -...