Follow the instruction toinstall WireGuard for macOS Create a tunnel configuration file (eg:/usr/local/etc/wireguard/utun1.conf) Download this App fromReleases Open the .dmg and copy the Application to where you like (eg: '/Applications') ...
<v-icon class="mr-3">mdi-apple</v-icon>macOS dmg <v-btn class="mt-2 text-capitalize" color="primary" href=""> <v-icon left> mdi-apple </v-icon>Download cleverVPN dmg </v-btn> <v-icon class="mr-3">mdi-apple</v...
Follow the instruction toinstall WireGuard for macOS Create a tunnel configuration file (eg:/usr/local/etc/wireguard/utun1.conf) Download this App fromReleases Open the .dmg and copy the Application to where you like (eg: '/Applications') ...