In this way, the firewall behaves like a “Client” and may be referred to as such in this document. The remote peer may also be referred to as “server”.Required Information¶ The following basic information must be determined before starting the VPN configuration. This example information...
在WireGuard 的世界里没有 Server 和 Client 之分,所有的节点都是Peer。大家使用 WireGuard 的常规做法是找一个节点作为中转节点,也就是 VPN 网关,然后所有的节点都和这个网关进行连接,所有节点之间都通过这个网关来进行通信。这种架构中,为了方便理解,我们可以把网关看成 Server,其他的节点看成 Client,但实际上是不...
参考OPNsense 防火墙系列三:阿里云 aliddns + 计划任务 - Yogile - 博客园 (的计划任务的固定命令配置。 在 大厅 -> 服务 中,重启 configd 服务。 在 系统 -> 设置 -> 调度任务 中,点击 + 添加,选择 命令 为 actions_ping_wireguard 中的 description ,其他自定义即可。 示例/usr/local/opn...
在WireGuard 的世界里没有 Server 和 Client 之分,所有的节点都是Peer。大家使用 WireGuard 的常规做法是找一个节点作为中转节点,也就是 V** 网关,然后所有的节点都和这个网关进行连接,所有节点之间都通过这个网关来进行通信。这种架构中,为了方便理解,我们可以把网关看成 Server,其他的节点看成 Client,但实际上是...
The current iOS WireGuard client seems to have quite a lot of UI differences relative to what mducharme documented, so for completeness, here's my sanitized iPhone configuration: Name: Home (value doesn't matter) Private key: generated by app Public key: ditto Addresses: DNS...
public key:client's public keyprivate key: (hidden) listening port: 60477 fwmark: 0xca6c peer:server public's keyendpoint: allowed ips:, ::/0 You can use other commands to check the tunnel information, such asip addr shandip link, for example: ...
I added a new Linux Mint device. As always, same config (besides the keys...). The client is able to connect to pfsense, connect to the internet via tunnelBUT can't connect to any services hosted in my home network. Some important configs in my environment: ...
wstunnel client --http-upgrade-path-prefix "wstunnel" -L udp:// wss:// Wireguard config: [Peer] AllowedIPs =,,, ...,, Console client output: C:\Windows\system32>wstunnel cl...
read -p "Please enter a client name (for example: wg1):" client if [ -z "${client}" ]; then _red "Client name can not be empty\n" else new_client_if="/etc/wireguard/${client}_client" if [ "${client}" = "${SERVER_WG_NIC}" ]; then echo "The default client ...
See config.js for the default value. LANG en de Web UI language (Supports: en, ua, ru, tr, no, pl, fr, de, ca, es, ko, vi, nl, is, pt, chs, cht, it, th, hi). UI_TRAFFIC_STATS false true Enable detailed RX / TX client stats in Web UI If you change WG_PORT, make...