endpoint-address(IP/Hostname; Default: )The IP address or hostname. It is used by WireGuard to establish a secure connection between two peers. endpoint-port(integer:0..65535; Default:)The Endpoint port is the UDP port on which a WireGuard peer listens for incoming traffic. ...
One of the key advantages of WireGuard is its simple and easy-to-use configuration. With just a few lines of code, you can set up a VPN connection between two devices, and it is much easier to manage compared to other VPN protocols. This makes it a great choice for both tech-savvy ...
I went to add another Mikrotik peer to this and while it mostly worked, I had to statically route and configure the prefixes for each tunnel. After abrief exchangeon the misc@ mailing list the behavior makes sense. Terminating multiple tunnels to a singlewg(4)interface seems to make sense ...
nr-wg-mtu-finder- A Python project to help you find the optimal MTU values for WG server and WG peer that maximizes the upload or download speeds between a peer and server. 🟡 Beside Jason Donenfeld's implementation of the WireGuard protocol, written in C and Go, other implementations inc...