In addition, you might try to copy the registry entry hklm\system\currentcontrolset\services\dot3svc from a computer that works to your windows 10 computer that doesn't have the service listed.For your reference:Wired autoconfig service missing...
Thursday, January 26, 2012 10:43 AM Hi, I have a problem with Wired autoconfig service - it is not present in the list when i run services.msc. When I try to run it from command line i get a reply about invalid service. I found that dot3svc.dll file is in the Windows\system32 ...
Thursday, January 26, 2012 10:43 AM Hi, I have a problem with Wired autoconfig service - it is not present in the list when i run services.msc. When I try to run it from command line i get a reply about invalid service. I found that dot3svc.dll file is in ...
Hey, I am using WinPE Version 10.0.19041 with IEEE 802.1x network authentication protocol. During the start up I am using Net Start dot3svc But receiving the error below The Wired AutoConfig service is starting The Wired AutoConfig service…
The Wired AutoConfig Service (dot3svc) is not running. The Wireless AutoConfig Service (wlansvc) is not running. There are currently no logon servers available to servie the logon request (0xc000005e). There are no RD connection broker servers in the server pool. This device is not working...