involving multiple parties around the world in different institutions, with a deliberate aim of deception”. The company argued that “even the most robust audit procedures may not uncover this kind of fraud”.
他的新书《图财的人》详细记录了对此的调查过程,相信能给不少金融监管机构带来一些启示。 《经济学人·商论》2022-07-02 Wire fraud《支付骗局》 支付骗局 一名记者如何揭露Wirecard丑闻 丹·麦克勒姆忆述自己揭发这家科技公司真相的战斗【《谋财的人》书评】 欧洲长期以来都苦于难以培育出世界一...
Despite their unpopularity, short-sellers perform useful functions in markets. They help prevent bubbles from forming andare adept atrooting outmalfeasance. Studies find that in the months before financial fraud at a company is revealed, short-selling of its stock tends tospike. Jim Chanos, a wel...
The trial for Germany's largest postwar financial fraud case began on Thursday in Munich. On the docket is the former CEO of the now defunct Wirecard payment services company, along with two other company executives. The trial began with the reading by prosecutors of the ...
Antifraud Club 在金融支付公司Wirecard丑闻爆发后,德国监管机构寻求“激进的解决方案”,彻底改革会计师事务所的监管方式,以减少丑闻影响。 媒体报道称,德国政府最早将于周一终止于该国会计监管机构FREP(Financial Reporting Enforcement Panel)的合约,将对企业财报调查的权力将移交给德国联邦金融监管局(BaFin)。 FREP是拥...
他是故事的主角之一,也是这部纪录片的执行制片人,影片事实上就是根据他的书《Money Men: A Hot Startup, A Billion Dollar Fraud, A Fight for the Truth》改编的。 彼时,Wirecard是科技界的德国之光。 德国的工业水平举世闻名,拥有众多世界顶级品牌:西门子、梅赛德斯-奔驰、宝马、大众、拜耳……但它们的历史过于...
Studies find that in the months before financial fraud at a company is revealed, short-selling of its stock tends to spike. 研究发现在该公司金融欺诈被披露前的几个月内,其股票的卖空有急剧升值趋势。 Jim Chanos, a well-known short-seller, famously predicted the demise of Enron, an energy-tradi...
1.ACFE. Report to the Nations:2018 Global Study on Occupational Fraud and 2.COSO. Fraudulent Financial Reporting: An Analysis of U.S. Public Companies.2010. 3.KPMG. Report Concerning the Independent Special Investigation. April 27 ...
How the payments group became one of the hottest stocks in Europe while battling persistent allegations of fraud Wirecard and me: Dan McCrum on exposing a criminal enterprise Intimidation, surveillance and conspiracy theories: inside the FT’s five-year investigation of a billion-dollar fraud German...