设置Event List Filters(编辑过滤器)只显示ICMP 协议; 单击Add Simple PDU(添加简单PDU)按钮,在拓扑图中添加PC0 向PC2 发送的数据包;(先后点击PC0和PC2) 单击Auto Capture/Play(自动捕获/执行)按钮,开始捕获数据包,仔细观察! 问题1:PC0 发送数据包到集线器,集线器转发给哪几台主机? 答:PC1,PC2,PC3。 问题2...
tcpdump -r capture.pcap // 读取并解析 tcpdump -r capture.pcap -A // 进一步分析 基本信息:展示了两个 SSDP(Simple Service Discovery Protocol) 数据包,先是捕获时间精确到微秒,源地址 YXR1208.62197 由设备主机名+端口号组成,用于发送此 SSDP 请求;目标地址 是一个 多播地址,端口 1900 是...
Unlocking the Power of Multimode Fiber: A Simple Guide to OM1, OM2, OM3, OM4, and OM18 Learn More Monoprice Academy Solid vs. Stranded Wires: The Ultimate Showdown Learn More Monoprice Academy Active vs. Passive Cables: Which One Best Fits Your Setup?
Switch for active power supplies in key-off mode Suitable for resistive, inductive and capacitive loads up to 6.8 A Access to ISO 26262-ready documentation Pleaseregisterfor myinfineon.com with your company e-mail address Please get in touch with your r...
This guide provides instructions on how to wire a 4-way light switch, including replacing a 4-way switch and wiring a new 4-way switch into a set of two 3-way switches. Diagrams are also provided.
The single-channel high-side power switch BTG7007A-1EPW, member of the PROFET™ Wire Guard family, is designed for wire protection in modern automotive E/E architectures. It is equipped with integrated I²t wire protection, and enhanced diagnostic c...
from household appliances to industrial machinery. Thanks to their simple yet effective design andmultiple benefits, their market is pacing at5% CAGR. Whether you’re an electronics fan or a DIY enthusiast, this comprehensive guide on how to wire a push button switch will help you navigate the ...
IGNITION SWITCH, 4-WIRE (MALE CONNECTOR) DESCRIPTION: It is very common to see the original key switches fail due to bad connections and internal components. This is a very simple part to replace and our key switches will get you back up and running with reliability. ...
incomplete-switch,抑制与switch陈述式(enum case)中遗漏项目相关的警告 javadoc,抑制与javadoc相关的警告 nls,抑制与非nls字串文字相关的警告 null,抑制与空值分析相关的警告 rawtypes,抑制与使用raw类型相关的警告 resource,抑制与使用Closeable类型的资源相关的警告 ...