本报讯 (记者刘 仁北京报道)8月27日,中国国家知识产权局(SIPO)局长田力普在京会见世界知识产权组织(WIPO)全球知识产权基础设施司执行主任高木善幸一行。田力普表示,建立全球知识产权基础设施是世界知识产权变革和发展的重要方向之一。在WIPO主导下,知识产权制度国际化应坚持均等、普遍化原则,并进一步深化。 据悉,协调...
On December 26th, the Ceremony of 18th WIPO-SIPO Award for Chinese Outstanding Patented Invention & Industrial Design has taken place in Beijing. CRCHI was awarded by its invention of a long-distance inclined-shaft full-face TBM (ZL201210220628.3). CRCHI has won this award since 16th ,the ...
The WIPO-SIPO Award is China’s highest government award in the field of patents which is jointly awarded by WIPO and SIPO. It aims to encourage and commend the patentees, inventors and designers who have made outstanding contributions to design innovation, technological innovation and economic and...
#流年印记# 原SIPO国际司司长(WIPO中国办副主任)吕哥,武侯祠吃茶,信手”作品",嗯嗯,黑白世界,也有赞,自己Mark一下。 http://t.cn/8FvOobQ
初三赤狗日5不做,不吃米饭不拜年,另外还有啥禁忌?854 播放知道解鹏 专注国学与创业 收藏 下载 分享 手机看 登录后可发评论 评论沙发是我的~为你推荐 02:10 大哥用鸟肉做零食,被称动物“人参”... 742播放 06:00 中华上下五千年,国人只有30年吃饱... 1068播放 02:10 早餐给孩子做点米饭团,配...
初三赤狗日5不做,不吃米饭不拜年,另外还有啥禁忌? 下载 0播放
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