Source:WIPOStatisticsDatabase,September2022. Patents 9 Applications Highlights Globalpatentapplicationsreturnedtopre-Covid-19levelsin2021 Innovatorsaroundtheworldfiled3.4millionpatentapplicationsin2021,slightlyhigherthanthepre-COVIDpeakof3.3millionfiledin2018(figure1.1).Patentapplicationsworldwidegrewby3.6%in2021compare...
WIPO Statistics Database,September 2022.A9.Patent applications at offices of selected low 188、-and middle-income countries,2021Non-resident share(%)87.52.989.5 88.3 88.9 82.0 61.6 90.9 81.1 98.88,5348,4768,2427,5343,6693,6433,3932,8032,287833ApplicationsViet NamTrkiyeThailandMalaysiaArgentinaEAPO...
3.IPrightsinforce,2022 Patents17.3million 4.1% Utility11.1million models 16.6% Trademarks82.5million 9.4% Industrial5.8million designs8.8% Geographical58,400 indications n.a.20212022 n.a.indicatesnotavailable. Source:WIPOStatisticsDatabase,August2023. ...
2022.Global Innovation Tracker 39Figure 7 Patent filings growth,200920232009201020112012201320142015201620172018201920202021202220238642024681012Patent filingsPatent filingsgrowth rategrowth ratePatent filingsgrowth rateSourceWIPO,based on the WIPO Statistics Database.Technological progressIndicators capturing technological ...
According to preliminary statistics on design activity across the globe in 2022, women accounted for around 21 percent of listed designers in global industrial design applications found in WIPO’s Global Design Database, which covers some 80% of total worldwide design activity.这一数字虽然自2001年...
k. Provide training to users on the data models and tools as needed;l. Report on the results and progress of analytics initiatives to management and relevant stakeholders;m. Perform other duties as required.3. Requirements Education (Essential)Advanced university degree in Statistics, Mathematics...
Statistics: automatic document classification approaches (SVN, Knn, EM, ANNs, Naive Bayes, …).Web/Internet technologies: Java, Tomcat, JavaScript, Jquery, Angular.js, Jsf, Lucene (Solr / ElasticSearch), CSS, HTML 5, …Databases: nosql techniques, Mysql, Oracle, …Scripting languages: bash, ...
Finally, Section 5 concludes and discusses implications for building a coherent policy framework.;Box 1 – Patent statistics Patent data are extracted from the PATSTAT database to measure the evolution of innovation activities in environmental technologies. Patent data present the advantage of being ...
Statistics DatabaseUnited Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA)United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO): Fernando Cantu Bazaldua and Vladimir LukicUnited Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF): Tom SlaymakerWorld Bank: Jean-François Arvis and Christi...
and dispatch of translated jobs, including outsourcing-related tasks, drafting administrative correspondence, processing administrative forms, including for payment procedures, using the related software and office tools, following up on administrative actions and compiling workload statistics for internal use....