Winx Club: The Secret of the Lost Kingdom (2007) Mirko Mazzanti Riven 108 Buongiorno Cina - Storie del secolo cinese (2005) Alessandro Quarta Sky 107 Interstellar (2014) Gemma Donati Musa / Digit 106 Winx Club: The Secret of the Lost Kingdom (2007) Domitilla D'Amico Tec...
There are, however, some key differences between Prince Sky from the original series and Sky Silva fromFate. For instance, the animatedWinx’s Skyis the only son of King Erendor, making him next in line to become king of Eraklyon. On the other hand, Sky inFateis simply the son of a...
King Erendor of Eraklyon Unsorted King Oritel of Domino Unsorted Lockette Unsorted Lucy Unsorted Lysslis Unsorted Mike Unsorted Mirta Unsorted Musa Unsorted Nabu Unsorted Piff Unsorted Queen Marion of Domino Unsorted Riven Unsorted Sky Unsorted Stella Unsorted Stormy Unsorted Tecna...
Like Aang Sky has connections to past Masters before him like how Aang had 88 Different Avatars before him. The Elements learned from each Mystical Master is the same concept of Avatars needing to Master all the Elements in order to control the Avatar State. ...
Sky also loses the Pendant of Eraklyon in action after it falls into the ocean. The Winx decide to allocate all benefits from their farewell concert to help counter the toxic pollution. Having lost the Pendant of Eraklyon, Sky begins to avoid Bloom. Tritannus mutates into a horrible mons...
6.Both dated a prince. Bloom is in a relationship withSky, the crown prince of Eraklyon, and Icy was in a relationship withTritannus, a prince-turned-villain from Andros’ underwater sea kingdom. Tritannus was also briefly the self-proclaimed Emperor of the Infinite Ocean. ...
Winx Club 3D: Magical Adventure FILTERMusa 7 Stella 5 Tecna 5 Aisha 4 Bloom 4 Flora 4 Alice 1 Icy 1 Piff 1 Stormy 1 Vanessa 1 Amore 0 Belladona 0 Brandon 0 Chatta 0 Darcy 0 Digit 0 Faragonda 0 Griffin 0 Helia 0 Kiko 0 King Erendor of Eraklyon 0...