Winx Club (Greek Opening Song) 英語 トランスリタレーション Winx Club Intro (Bulgarian) トランスリタレーション Winx Club Intro (French) Winx Club Intro (Norwegian) Winx Club Sparkles of Light World of Winx OST Winx Club Theme (Finnish) 英語 Winx are Back Winx Club Season 4 フィ...
在线看Winx Club - Aisha - A contagious… energy! 2分钟 13秒。13 6月 2015的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 1255 — 已浏览。 160 — 已评价。
This version was exclusive to the season's official trailer that was available on the Winx Club website, and was performed by Ollari, who also sang the Italian versions of the song, and since it's performed by her, the instrumental is in its original pitch. However, the lyrics are mostl...