DefaultButton = ContentDialogButton.Primary设置默认按钮(最左边蓝的) cd.XamlRoot = this.Content.XamlRoot;这个我不清楚,应该是定义父窗口的吧 var result = await cd.ShowAsync();展示窗口 xaml其实也可以设置样式,页面也可以自定义 MainWindow.xaml加上 <ContentDialog x:Name="termsOfUseContentDialog" Primary...
下面是显示 ContentDialog 的一些典型 UWP 代码。 C# // MainPage.xaml.cs in a UWP appvarunsupportedFilesDialog =newContentDialog();// Set Title, Content, etc.awaitunsupportedFilesDialog.ShowAsync(); 在Windows App SDK 应用中,也只需设置对话框的XamlRoot属性。 操作方法如下。
private async void openDialog(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ContentDialog dialog = new ContentDialog(); dialog.XamlRoot = this.XamlRoot; dialog.Content = new DialogPage2(); var result = await dialog.ShowAsync(); } As a result, I created a UserControl to act as a ContentDialog an...
似乎您正在开发一个WinUI3应用程序。正如@Raymond所提到的,您必须将ContentDialog.添加XamlRoot property ...
contentDialog.XamlRoot = myButton.XamlRoot; await contentDialog.ShowAsync(); } [/code] Press F5 to Run and you will get something like this picture when clicking the button: I have shown you a lot of things with just a few lines of code. .NET with WinUI 3 in Desktop apps allows you...
在MainWindow.xaml 檔案中,我們會使用ContentDialog搭配ScrollViewer,以顯示目前程序載入的所有模組清單。 XAML <StackPanelOrientation="Horizontal"HorizontalAlignment="Center"VerticalAlignment="Center"><Buttonx:Name="myButton"Click="myButton_Click">Display loaded modules</Button><ContentDialogx:Name="contentDialog...
There are several customer complains that the need of XamlRoot is unintuitive for WPF/Win32 developers (e.g. #2504) There are several questions that need to be answer: What parent XAML Window will host the ContentDialog top-level child window. Desktop WinUI 3 apps can have multiple Window ...
var dialog = new ContentDialog(); dialog.CloseButtonText = “Close”; dialog.Content = “Invalid email id!”; dialog.Title = “Error”; dialog.XamlRoot = this.Content.XamlRoot; await dialog.ShowAsync(); } } Adding Custom Items in the Selection List of WinUI ComboBox ...
官方给出了示例代码,可在应用商店搜索"Xaml Controls Gallery"或前往官网-开发人员中心-查看示例可以下载示例(包括源代码) 点击查看xaml代码 <Pagex:Class="AppUIBasics.ControlPages.ContentDialogContent"xmlns=""xmlns:x="