我尝试在 WinUI 3 应用程序中使用 LiveCharts2,但图表没有出现。 我按照安装和第一个图表文章尝试构建一个显示图表的WinUI3窗口。 我确保我的项目构建时没有错误或警告。但是,当我运行应用程序时,图表没有出现。 回答 编辑:我通过查看他们的示例找到了答案: 需要使用 Border来限制图表的区域。 使用 Grid 代替 ...
Create aWinUI 3 desktop app for C# and .NET 5. Add reference toSyncfusion.Chart.WinUINuGet. Import the control namespaceSyncfusion.UI.Xaml.Chartsin XAML or C# to initialize the control. InitializeSfCircularChartcontrol. XAML C# <Windowx:Class="ChartDemo.MainWindow"...xmlns:chart="using:Syncfus...
DevExpress WinUI 3 controls with Project Reunion 0.8 support include: the Data Grid, Scheduler, Charts, Ribbon UI, Editors, and more.
Syncfusion WinUI controls are now compatible with WinUI 3 – Project Reunion 0.5. AllWinUI controlsnow support WinUI for desktop. The three most-requested new controls have been added to our toolkit: WinUI Scheduler WinUI Linear Gauge WinUI Calendar DateRangePicker WinUI Chartsnow has th...
Telerik UI for WinUI: the market first UI controls suite for crafting Win32 and UWP apps with WinUI 3, comes with feature-rich controls like Ribbon, DataGrid, Charts, Gauges, Barcode, and more. Uno Platform: Use WinUI 3 – Reunion 0.5, XAML and C# to build pixel-perfect, single-codebas...
WinUI Charts The following new chart types have been added to theWinUI Charts control. Polar and Radar charts The Polar and Radar charts are used to visually compare several quantitative or qualitative aspects of a situation. Refer to the following screenshot. ...
we make flow charts for logical flows. we make 3d CAD programs to allow us to model 3d objects. we put financial data into spreadsheets to help us model the money flow. so why not have visual design tools for things like WinUI3 and or MAUI applications ? 4 Mar 14, 2024 11:...
python gui qt ui modern custom pyqt5 widgets qt5 software pyside2 fluent fluent-design winui winui3 fluentui qt6 pyqt6 pyside6 win11 Updated Oct 20, 2024 Python beto-rodriguez / LiveCharts2 Star 4.3k Code Issues Pull requests Discussions Simple, flexible, interactive & powerful charts,...
Simple, flexible, interactive & powerful charts, maps and gauges for .Net, LiveCharts2 can now practically run everywhere Maui, Uno Platform, Blazor-wasm, WPF, WinForms, Xamarin, Avalonia, WinUI, UWP. - shaggygi/LiveCharts2
Circular Charts Color Palette Color Picker ComboBox DataGrid Overview Getting Started Data Binding Columns Column Types AutoSize Columns Stacked Headers Sorting Grouping Summaries Filtering Filter Row Editing Data Validation CRUD Operations Selection Clipboard Operations Master Details View Data Virtualization UI...