1、首先双击打开桌面上的“此电脑”2、然后双击进入“C盘”。3、接着在其中找到“Windows”文件夹进入。4、再找到“system32”文件夹进入。5、最后在其中就可以看到“wintundriverinstalldisk”文件夹了。00分享举报为您推荐您可能感兴趣的内容广告 win10 32位镜像 全新版win10系统下载 win10系统下载 win10 32位...
+Deletes the Wintun driver if there are no more adapters in use.**Returns**@@ -250,36 +212,6 @@ Returns the LUID of the adapter. - *Adapter*: Adapter handle obtained with WintunOpenAdapter or WintunCreateAdapter - *Luid*: Pointer to LUID to receive adapter LUID.-### WintunGet...
Installing wintun driver... [Wintun] CreateAdapter: Creating adapter [Wintun] DisableAllOurAdapters: Force closing all open handles for existing adapter [Wintun] DisableAllOurAdapters: Disabling existing adapter [Wintun] SelectDriver: Waiting for existing driver to unload from kernel [Wintun] Sele...
windows-driver wintun 這樣就完成了,蠻簡單的 效能差異 這邊我做一個簡單的測試,以下都在同一台電腦,連線同一台server 在TAP v4.8 的情況下,完成連線需要07.53s 在TAP v5.0 的情況下,完成連線需要06.44s 而在Wintun 下,完成連線僅需1s 人客呀!這是多麼驚人的速度呀!
staticWINTUN_DELETE_DRIVER_FUNC *WintunDeleteDriver;staticWINTUN_SET_LOGGER_FUNC *WintunSetLogger;staticWINTUN_START_SESSION_FUNC *WintunStartSession;staticWINTUN_END_SESSION_FUNC *WintunEndSession;staticWINTUN_GET_READ_WAIT_EVENT_FUNC *WintunGetReadWaitEvent;staticWINTUN_RECEIVE_PACKET_FUNC *Win...
The drivers provided on this page are for Wintun Userspace Tunnel, and most of them are for Windows operating system. Before downloading the driver, please confirm the version number of the operating system installed on the computer where the driver will be installed. If the system version numb...
Layer 3 TUN Driver for WindowsJason A. Donenfeld BranchCommit messageAuthorAge masterdriver: fix spelling mistakes in commentsJason A. Donenfeld3 years sr/group-ndis-indicatesdriver: accumulate up to 16 receive NBLs before indicatingSimon Rozman3 years ...