Among the notable motor carriages which have been placed upon the market in the last few years are those made by the Winton Motoi- Carriage Company, of Cleveland, [0. The problem which confronted this company when they began their experiments was to produce a motor carriage that would go ...
In 1896 he built his first experimental automobile with a single-cylinder engine, and by the following year, he organized the Winton Motor Carriage Company and completed his second vehicle – a 10-horsepower twin-cylinder runabout. Winton tested that car at Cleveland’s famous Glenville horse ...
1DISPENSE WITH A HORSEatad ofmotoe carringheTHE WINTONMOTORCARRIAGE如图为1898年《科学美国人》杂志刊登的一则广告,其文案为“让马车都歇了吧”,据此分析,其推销的产品为( )A. 蒸汽机车B. 有轨电车C. 汽车D. 汽船 2如图为1898年《科学美国人》杂志刊登的一则广告,其文案为“让马车都歇了吧”,据此分...
Tale of Mr. Winton.(first cut)(Alexander Winton, founder of Winton Motor Carriage Company)McKenna, Joseph F
The Winton Motor CarriageA ride in a motor carriage is a comparatively new and delightful sensation. With its easy springs, which supplement the pneumatic tires, the vehicle rides along without effort and without anxiety for an overworked horse. . 1898 Scientific American, Inc....