pool for the season. If necessary, you can use a blower or shop vac to blow the remaining water from the equipment. If you're winterizing an above-ground pool, you'll want to focus your attention on disconnecting the hose and plugging the outlets instead of clearing out the pool lines....
What Should You Not Do with an Above Ground Pool? When it comes to above-ground pools, there are certain things you should avoid to ensure the safety, longevity, and proper functioning of the pool. Here are some notable inclusions
Prolonged exposure to chemicals during winter can damage the finishes on items like this. They may even rust, which means the rust will get into your pool, which means you have another problem to deal with when you open it. Also, when you cover your pool, you want it completely covered....
with an above-ground pool, you definitely need to insert an inflatable pillow under your pool cover to act as an ice compensator if there's a possibility of a deep freeze, and you must remove all the above-ground water lines and store them for the winter. Drain the pool lines and ...
Above Ground Pool Closing ( Winterizing ) Locate all your winterizing supplies. This should include the cover, the air pillow, the plugs for the skimmers ( gizzmos or rubber plugs ), the winter plate ( if used ) and your winterizing chemicals. You need these items for proper winterization...