A trickle of water can be cooled enough to freeze in the bottom of cold sections of drain piping; ice will build until eventually the drain is blocked (which can cause a sewer backup in occupied buildings). Eventually enough ice pressure may form to break the drain line. ...
If you haven't prepped your home for winter, there still is time to get it ready -- a process that doesn't need to be financially or environmentally costly, according to Wolseley Canada.Even though you may not be ready for the winter, just yet, your home shou...
If people are looking to be environmentally conscious, they can set their thermostat at a higher temperature during the day when the house is occupied, and then once people go to sleep and there is a little more warmth inside, they can then lower the thermo...
If people are looking to be environmentally conscious, they can set their thermostat at a higher temperature during the day when the house is occupied, and then once people go to sleep and there is a little more warmth inside, they can then lower the thermostat...
If people are looking to be environmentally conscious, they can set their thermostat at a higher temperature during the day when the house is occupied, and then once people go to sleep and there is a little more warmth inside, they can then lower the therm...