WINTER wheatDROUGHTSWATER shortagesREGIONAL developmentEVAPOTRANSPIRATIONRISK assessmentAGRICULTURAL developmentSoil moisture plays a crucial role in determining the yield of winter wheat. The Huang-Huai-Hai (HHH) Plain is the main growing area of winter wheat in China, and frequent occurrence...
The effect of soil moisture in the 0–20 cm soil layer is critical for the shooting of winter wheat in arid areas.Table 1shows the soil water content dynamics in the 0–20 cm soil layers with all treatments during the five winter wheat growing stages in 2007–10 (in the first year...
The influence of beginning date of 10 ℃on growing stages of winter wheat in Loess Plateau of Gansu Province was analyzed.The results showed that there were 3 regions in which the 10 ℃ beginning date was earlier located in Beidao,Lanzhou and Jingchuan,while there were 3 regions with later ...
(2011) showed the influence of winter wheat growing stages on the performance of the ANN for retrieving the GAI. The RRMSE decreases from the leaf development stages (87%) until heading (17%), and then increases with flowering (27%) until senescence (483%). Delloye et al. (2016) noted...
Field measurements data including AGB, PNC and canopy hyperspectral at different winter wheat growth stages during 2012/2013, 2013/2014, 2014/2015, 2015/2016 growing seasons in Beijing, China were collected. This study was endeavored to establish a vegetation index critical N dilution curve (Nvic)...
2) during the growing season of winter wheat 冬小麦生育期内 例句>> 3) winter wheat ecology 冬小麦生态 例句>> 4) winter wheat production 冬小麦生产 例句>> 5) winter wheat development period 冬小麦发育期 例句>> 6) winter wheat growth 冬小麦生长量...
This paper presents a general method and some preliminary results on validating MODIS albedo products, and how albedo changing in the winter-wheat growing period. The available albedo observations are with different scales, including ground measurements and MODIS Albedo products. The study results show...
eading,rilking.heesultshowedhat later irrigationpplications increasedoiloistureeforeowing (SMBS)fummeraize.ummeraize grain yield was enhanced inothheommonndexcessivelyainy years with increasedMBS;owever, irrigation duringhe later growingeasonf winter wheatinainy yearsould increase deep percolationfumme...
The RZWQM2 model and these three different water stress indices were evaluated by using the data of soil water, total transpiration, biomass and grain yield obtained from a winter wheat experiment conducted under different water stress scenarios at different growing stages in two consecutive growth ...
Eight cultivars of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) adapted to dryland conditions that have been historically planted in Shaanxi Province, China, were grown in plots with irrigation and drought treatments during the growing seasons of 2010–2012 to characterize the changes in root system traits ...