For maximum safety, we’d recommend getting a high-visibility vest, jacket, or harness to increase your pet’s visibility during low light. If it’s too cold, wet, and windy to take your pet for walks, try prioritising enrichment activities instead. Mental exercise is just as important as...
Learn how to keep cats warm in winter whether they're indoors or outdoors. Get some winter safety tips to keep your cat safe from the cold.
K and H Pet Products Thermo-Kitty Cat Bed On cold days, you’re sure to find your furry friend curled up in this heated cat bed. It’s thermostatically controlled and safety tested so you can be certain that it won’t overheat or injure your cat. Shop Now ShinHye Cat Cuddle Cave ...
Winter dog-walking safety tips: Put on a sweater or coat Monitor weather conditions and check the temperature before heading out. While some dog breeds like Alaskan Malamutes or Siberian Huskies thrive in the snow, other dogs struggle. You may need to consider putting your dog in a sweater ...
With short days and generally darker weather, it can be hard to see pedestrians on the road. Wearingreflective clothingis crucial for human safety and for pet safety! It's important for you and your pet to stay visible while walking. ...
Winter weather can be brutal enough to disrupt power infrastructure. Even in more temperate places like Vancouver and the Greater Toronto Area, a poorly-timed ice storm or wind storm can leave people in the dark, sometimes for days, and that’s a much ...
"Due to forecasted snowy and blizzard-like weather conditions, along with dangerously cold temperatures in the Chicagoland area, and recognizing that the safety of our guests and staff are our highest priority, the Adler Planetarium will be closed for public business hours on Friday, December 23,...
If you’ve decided to wait out the blizzard in your home, consider some of these winter storm preparedness safety tips: Take Care of Your Pets Be sure to bring your dogs, cats, or any other pets inside for the duration of the severe winter weather. Pro tip: if you have a pet that ...
Your pet needs dog paw protection in the colder months when being outside for longer periods. Dog paws bear the brunt of dangers associated with winter weather. These dangers include: Sharp ice, which can cut deeply Snow forming painful clumps that can lodge between paw pads and in the fur...
Weather Stripping:This wears out over time. We recommend that each Fall, you are diligently inspecting: weather stripping, striker plates, and swipes around the perimeter of your home’s entry doors. Please also note that exterior door thresholds can occasionally require adjustment or replacement. ...