Here are some fun Winter Solstice ritual ideas to commemorate this pivotal moment in time as we venture inward to kindle our inner fire! ☼☼☼ >>>SOLSTICE LANTERNS<<< Consider not using any artificial light for the entire day and welcome in the darkness by lighting your Solstice lanterns!
We don’t do everything on this list of winter solstice celebration ideas, and you shouldn’t have to either. Instead, use the ideas below to create a winter solstice ritual or celebration for you, your family, or your community in any way you like. Happy Solstice! You also might enjoy...
Share Sunday Pop-Up Party at Solstice: Tunes, Thrift & Tarot with your friends. LIVE COMEDY AT THE RITUAL LIVE COMEDY AT THE RITUAL Tomorrow at 8:00 PM Ritual Social House • Denver, CO $7.18 Save LIVE COMEDY AT THE RITUAL to your collection.Share LIVE COMEDY AT THE RITUAL with ...
The Winter Solstice was traditionally celebrated by lighting fires, symbolic of the sun, whose powers would increase as the days grew longer. The midwinter tradition of lighting a Yule log, for example, was an ancient Celtic fire ritual performed at the time of the December solstice. To bring...
The White Brotherhood, Thai Black Magic and Winter Solstice Cleansing Ritual | One Year to 21-12-2012 [1]The White Brotherhood
The Germans celebrated Candlemas Day, originally a Medieval Catholic holiday to mark the mid-point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. The holiday also has roots in Celtic-Gaelic and Pagan cultures, where it is celebrated as St. Brigid’s Day and ...
The child will be born nine months from now, at the next Winter Solstice. And so the cycle closes at last to begin anew. The customs surrounding the celebration of the spring equinox were imported from Mediterranean lands, although there can be no doubt that the first inhabitants of the ...
On a summer solstice, some time in the not too distant future, scientist Adam Leith waits by the phone in Antarctica to learn if his wife Ellie’s fertility treatment has been successful at last. As he reflects on the meaning of his marriage in his life, the frozen landscape around him ...
2023 的冬至在 12/22 ,講到冬天一定會想到的就是吃湯圓!但除了吃湯圓,你知道冬至還有哪些需要注意?哪些習俗禁忌?甚至你知道冬至也要拜拜嗎?現代年輕一代或許比較不清楚冬至的眉眉角角,那就跟著我們的腳步,一起看看冬至有哪些文化傳統、還有拜拜的流程與注意事項吧。
Solar power; Two variety shows this season are lit up by the ritual, song and mystery of the winter solstice.(VARIETY / FREETIME)Royce, Graydon