Recently, deep learning (DL), which is capable of capturing and modeling various complex and nonlinear relationships within data, has emerged as a powerful data-driven tool for weather and climate prediction systems9,10. The DL-based model for weather forecasting already surpasses the performance ...
The NAO has a substantial impact on surface climate of the surrounding continents as well as on the occurrence of extreme weather events downstream10,11. Gaining insight into the nature of the NAO variability is essential to improve its predictability, and thus mitigate its potential impacts on ...
Flight data from the Expedia® Winter Travel Outlook released today shows interest is up 10% for wintertime travel this year.1While many of the season’s top and fastest-growing spots are warm-weather beach locales like Curaçao (+90%) and Maui (+80%), cities and ski ...
isn't being played. There are plenty of exciting and talented prospects still lacing their cleats into November and December in the many winter leagues down in warm-weather countries like Venezuela, Mexico and the Dominican Republic. (Fans, don't forget, you can stream allLIDOM gamesonMLB.TV...
J. Ji, 1965: The climate and weather features during the outbreak period of China’s winter monsoon. Geographical Symposium, 9, 85–101. (in Chinese) Google Scholar Yang, S.-H., C. F. Li, and R. Y. Lu, 2014: Predictability of winter rainfall in South China as demonstrated by ...
his representation needs a little dog-and-pony show to goose the bidding just a little more. Executives will tell you frankly they know almost nothing about what he really wants, outside of this: Based on his initial choice of the Angels, he seems to want t...
The Hydrometeorological Prediction Center (HPC) has a broad mission that includes providing the nation expertise in heavy precipitation, winter weather, and medium range forecasting. The Hydrometeorology TestbedHPC was established in 2004 to support the transfer of research results into HPC operations and...
A new study shows that increases in extreme winter weather in parts of the US are linked to quickened warming of the Arctic (北极). Over the past four decades, warming in the Arctic has been far more definite than that in the rest of the world and has caused a rapid decrease of summer...
in a single year. This offers unique advantages for understanding inter-annual variability related to climate and weather. For example, previous work has shown that the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO; the dominant climate mode over the North Atlantic and a major influence on weather in NW Europe...
From 1980 to 2022, droughts in the USA accounted for 13.5% of all losses from weather and climate disasters, totaling US$309.4 billion in consumer price index (CPI)-adjusted dollars4. The ongoing drought in the western USA represents the driest 22-year period since at least 800 ce ...