On November 2, 2023, the Australian Treasury released aconsultation paperoutlining its Sustainable Finance Strategy, which is aimed at mobilizing private investment needed in coming decades, enabling Australian firms to access the capital needed to finance their own transitions, ensuring that financial op...
Drummer is an occupational and musical name that comes from the Middle Dutch word tromme, which is believed to be onomatopoeic – it sounds like the sound a beating drum makes. Gabriel Gabriel means "God is my strength" in Hebrew. In Christian tradition, he's the angel who appears before...
Wintermar is the first shipping company in Indonesia to be certified with an Integrated Management System by Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance, and is currently certified with ISO 9001:2015 (Quality), ISO14001:2015 (Environment) and OHSAS 18001:2007 (Occupational Health and Safety). For more in...