WINSXS folder is huge, Disk Cleanup is not fixing it My Winsxs folder is so large that is is tapping at my last bit of storage left on my SDD. I google'd and searched and all I can find is to run Disk Cleanup, because Winsxs stores update files and Disk Cleanup with the Window...
A commonly asked question among people looking at a Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 installation is “why is the WinSxS folder so big?!” To answer that question I need to first describe componentization, and how components are managed in Windows Vista.One...
if you want tospeed up your computer, reducing the WinSxS folder would also make a huge difference in performance. Anyway, that is all from us. If you want to learn more
This is on my HP laptop 64 bit Win 7 machine... Is-it possible to delete files in WinSxS\Tempin BSOD Help and Support Hello, I have a lot of files in the folder : C:\Windows\winsxs\Temp\ Is-it possible to delete files in C:\Windows\winsxs\Temp\PendingRenames ? thanks !
Windows 7: HUGE 26 GB system folder :S Windows stores the old dll's and library components in the WinSxS folder. Now if a newer version of this file is a part of the OS, but a particular application requires a particular older version for running, then the older version from the win... have tried other method where I used task scheduler. From there , I clicked on task scheduler libraries ,then expanded "Microsoft", then expanded "windows" then clicked on "...
this means that "dccw.exe" can load the desired DLL from any of these folders. The only thing we are sure is that if the application is invoked as a x86 process, the folder name will start with the string "x86", while if we execute it as a x64 process, its name will start with...
to WinSxS folder size (as reported by exporer). If you use a script or vLite to reduce WinSxS, you will find that it's not just explorer causing WinSxS to appear huge, because when you build images with reduced WinSxS folders you will see that image is sig...
I've been trying to make some space on my C: drive without formating it, so I used WinDirStat to check some gigantic files I don't need and have found the "C:\Windows\WinSxS\Temp\PendingDeletes" folder. It is huge 52 GB, full with "$$Deleteme..." files and some of them are ...
Navigate to theC:\Windows\WinSxS, right-click it and chooseProperties. This folder consumes almost 7.3GB of disk space. But the thing is, that's not the real size. The reason for that is "hard links" that File Explorer and other third-party tools don't consider. It counts each refere...