利用netsh,winsock,reset,命令修复网络应用错误篇一:重置 winsocknetsh winsock resetwin sock是Wi ndows网络编程接口,win sock工作在应用层,它提供与底层传输协议无关 的高层数
winsock是Windows网络编程接口,winsock工作在应用层,它提供与底层传输协议无关的高层数据传输编程接口 netsh winsock reset 是把它恢复到默认状态 简介信息 netsh winsock reset netsh winsock reset命令,作用是重置 Winsock 目录。如果一台机器上的Winsock协议配置有问题的话将会导致网络连接等问题,就需要用netsh winsock ...
利用netsh,winsock,reset,命令修复网络应用错误篇一:重置 winsock netsh winsock reset winsock 是 Windows 网络编程接口, winsock 工作在应用层,它提供与底层传输协议无关的高层数据传输编程接口 netsh winsock reset 是把它恢复到默认状态中文名重置 Winsock 目录外文名 ResettingWinsockCatalogue 目录 1简介 2 重置 ...
要在已安装 Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) 的情况下修复 Winsock,请在命令提示符处键入 netsh winsock reset,然后按 Enter。 注意:运行此命令后需要重新启动计算机。另外,对于运行 Windows XP SP2 的计算机,可以使用新的 netsh 命令来重建 Winsock 项。有关更多信息,请访问下面的网站: http://technet.microsof...
SIO_UDP_CONNRESET (opcode setting: I, T==3)Windows XP: Controls whether UDP PORT_UNREACHABLE messages are reported. Set to TRUE to enable reporting. Set to FALSE to disable reporting.SIO_SET_WFP_CONNECTION_REDIRECT_RECORDS (opcode setting: I, T==3)...
Wherecommandis the command that you want to run, including all of the required parameters for the command. This section contains the following commands. audit trail remove provider reset show catalog For information on how to interpret netsh command syntax, seeFormatting Legend. ...
Windows的消息是异步的,不按照事先定义的顺序发生的。 当程序开始一个任务时,可以告诉Windows在任务完成时发送一条消息,收到消息时根据任务的完成结果再决定下一步做什么,处理完这条消息,控制权又返回给Windows,系统继续执行其他的任务。 同步模型中,当执行一些需要花费很长时间才能完成的功能时,程序会被阻塞,无法进...
If the socket is connection oriented and the remote side has shut down the connection gracefully, and all data has been received, arecvwill complete immediately with zero bytes received. If the connection has been reset, arecvwill fail with the errorWSAECONNRESET. ...
How does the command "netsh winsock reset" finally allow my iTunes store to load? Is that command safe for my computer? I have Windows Vista service pack 2. I'm glad my store finally loads, but will there be any fallout to my computer from using this command?
aEnvironmental Consequences 环境后果[translate] a- In the command prompt enter the following and confirm with the "enter" key: "netsh winsock reset" (without "") -在指令提示送进以下并且用Enter键证实: “netsh胜利一击被重新设置” (,不用"")[translate]...