第一台电脑是服务器,第二台是客户端。 我尝试连接服务器时出现错误10061。 (“错误 – 连接失败,sockfd是164,errno是34,WSA是10061”)。 错误10061的意思是 – “连接被拒绝,因为目标机器主动拒绝连接,所以通常是因为试图连接到一个在外部主机上不活动的服务 – 也就是没有运行服务器应用程序的服务。 我认为这...
=htons(port);while(connect(sockfd,(struct sockaddr*)&serv_addr,sizeof(serv_addr))<0){printf("error - connect failed. sockfd is %d, errno is %d, WSA is %d\n",sockfd,errno,WSAGetLastError());fflush(NULL);}printf("\n opened connection to %s\n","");fflush(NULL);int i...
Additionally, you receive the 10061 Windows sockets (Winsock) error code and the following error message: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. Cause This issue occurs because of an error in the SQL Server Native Client 10.0 OLE DB provider. ...
sckConnectionRefused 10061 强行拒绝连接 sckNotInitialized 10093 套接字没有初始化 sckHostNotFound 11001 授权应答:未找到主机 sckHostNotFoundTryAgain 11002 非授权应答:未找到主机,重试 sckNonRecoverableError 11003 不可恢复的错误 sckNoData 11004 无效名,对所请求的类型无数据记录...
sckConnectionRefused 10061 强行拒绝连接 sckNotInitialized 10093 套接字没有初始化 sckHostNotFound 11001 授权应答:未找到主机 sckHostNotFoundTryAgain 11002 非授权应答:未找到主机,重试 sckNonRecoverableError 11003 不可恢复的错误 sckNoData 11004 无效名,对所请求的类型无数据记录...
One the server side everything looks OK when it reconnects. But when the client attempts to connect to the server it received a connection refused 10061 error msg... Thanks !!! Topic archived. No new replies allowed.Home page | Privacy policy© cplusplus.com, 2000-2024 - All rights res...
10061 强⾏拒绝连接 sckNotInitialized 10093 套接字没有初始化 sckHostNotFound 11001 授权应答:未找到主机 sckHostNotFoundTryAgain 11002 ⾮授权应答:未找到主机,重试 sckNonRecoverableError 11003 不可恢复的错误 sckNoData 11004 ⽆效名,对所请求的类型⽆数据记录 ...
10061 WSAECONNREFUSED Connection refused. No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. This usually results from trying to connect to a service that is inactive on the foreign host — that is, one with no server application running. 10064 WSAEHOSTDOWN Host is down...
Ive got a customer that is getting the error "Cannot connect to license server system. (-15,10:10061 "WinSock: Connection refused")" They have a license file that was recently created. They also have Geomagic and Leica licenses running on the same server. Not sure if ...
sckConnectionRefused 10061 强行拒绝连接 sckNotInitialized 10093 套接字没有初始化 sckHostNotFound 11001 授权应答:未找到主机 sckHostNotFoundTryAgain 11002 非授权应答:未找到主机,重试 sckNonRecoverableError 11003 不可恢复的错误 sckNoData 11004 无效名,对所请求的类型无数据记录 ...