1/16/2019 11:01:19 AM - Remote Server at mail2.domain2.com ( returned '441 4.4.1 Error encountered while communicating with primary target IP address: "Failed to connect. Winsock error code: 10060, Win32 error code: 10060." Attempted failover to alternate host, but that d...
My email server have been send and receive email with internal and external as normal. Today, i got the problem the email cannot send out to external and get the error below: Please comment. BR, Khemarin Khemarin333@hotmail.com All replies (7) Thursday, July 31, 2014 8:50 AM ✅A...
sckConnectAborted 10053 由于超时或者其它失败⽽中⽌接连 sckConnectionReset 10054 通过远端重新设置连接 sckNoBufferSpace 10055 没有可⽤的缓存空间 sckAlreadyConnected 10056 已连接的套接字 sckNotConnected 10057 未接连套接字 sckSockedShutdown 10058 已关闭套接字 sckTimedout ...
sckTimedout 10060 套接字超时 sckConnectionRefused 10061 强行拒绝连接 sckNotInitialized 10093 套接字没有初始化 sckHostNotFound 11001 授权应答:未找到主机 sckHostNotFoundTryAgain 11002 非授权应答:未找到主机,重试 sckNonRecoverableError 11003 不可恢复的错误 ...
A connect request was made on an already-connected socket. Some implementations also return this error if sendto is called on a connected SOCK_DGRAM socket (for SOCK_STREAM sockets, the to parameter in sendto is ignored) although other implementations treat this as a legal occurrence. 10056 ...
用戶端應用程式通常完全不需要呼叫系結—連線會自動選擇未使用的埠。 當系結與ADDR_ANY) 相關的萬用字元位址 (呼叫時,WSAEADDRINUSE 錯誤可能會延遲到認可特定位址為止。 這可能會在稍後呼叫另一個函式,包括connect、listen、WSAConnect或WSAJoinLeaf。 WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL ...
sckConnectAborted 10053 由于超时或者其它失败而中止接连 sckConnectionReset 10054 通过远端重新设置连接 sckNoBufferSpace 10055 没有可用的缓存空间 sckAlreadyConnected 10056 已连接的套接字 sckNotConnected 10057 未接连套接字 sckSockedShutdown 10058 已关闭套接字 sckTimedout 10060 套接字超时 sck...
在执行Indy过程时,我有时会收到#10060套接字错误(WSAETIMEDOUT -尝试连接超时而没有建立连接): CheckForSocketError(IdWinsock2.Connect(ASocketInteger; stdcall; 实际上,所有这些都只是围绕着Windows connect函数https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winsock2/nf-winsock2-connect ...
客户端应用程序通常根本不需要调用bind-连接会自动选择未使用的端口。 当使用涉及ADDR_ANY) 的通配符地址 (调用绑定时,WSAEADDRINUSE 错误可能会延迟到提交特定地址。 稍后调用另一个函数(包括connect、listen、WSAConnect或WSAJoinLeaf)可能会发生这种情况。 WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL ...