and I can connect to my DNAC server using SFTP and transfer files without any issues, however If I change the protocol to SCP, I receive the same error 'Error skipping startup message. Your shell is probably incompatible with the application (BASH is recommended)'. ...
WinSCP是一个Windows环境下使用SSH的开源图形化SFTP客户端。同时支持SCP协议以及FTP协议。 它的主要功能就是在本地与远程计算机间安全的复制文件。下面介绍使用方法。 在主机名处添加IP,端口默认22防火墙开启,在输入用户名和密码,就可以连接到下面页面。并进行复制文件非常简单,直接选中文件拖到另一侧即可 ...
To transfer files,scp1is used (it is called from withinscp). If onlyscp2is allowed on your server, check theUse scp2 with scp1 compatibilityoption on theSCP/Shell pageon the Advanced Site Settings dialog. For correct functionality, you must do the following. Thebashshell is recommended for...
Solved: Hi Everyone, I am need to transfer a file in DNAC and trying to used Winscp but unfortunately I am getting some error messages like Bash is recommended. I change the shell setting to Bash but still no luck. Can someone please kindly advice
To note, the command " sudo magctl ssh shell bash " will not work on 2.3.5.x and above. The correct method is to use sftp in winscp with the username as maglev and port 2222 , along with the shell profile set to default not /bin/bash .