WinRM Settings 配置命名空间config.winrm config.winrm配置与如何通过winrm配置vagrant访问你的Windows客户相关。与大多数vagrant设置一样,默认设置通常都很好,但是你可以根据需要进行微调。 这些设置仅在你将通信器类型设置为:winrm时使用。 Available Settings可用设置 config.winrm.username(string):这将设置vagrant在...
1、打开注册表编辑器(regedit)。 2、导航到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WSMan\Plugin\GlobalSettings。 3、找到或新建名为MaxShellsPerUser的DWORD值,并设置其数值为所需的最大并发连接数。 到此,以上就是小编对于“服务器管理winrm”的问题就介绍到这了,希望介绍的几点解答对大家...
winrm help uris How to construct resource URIs.winrm help aliases AbbreviationsforURIs.winrm help config Configuring WinRM client and service settings.winrm help certmapping Configuring client certificate access.winrm help remoting How to access remote machines.winrm help auth Providing credentialsforr...
Available Settings config.winrm.username (string) - This sets the username that Vagrant will use to login to the WinRM web service by default. Providers are free to override this if they detect a more appropriate user. By default this is "vagrant," since that is what most public boxes ar...
在System.Management.Automation.PowerShell.Invoke (IEnumerable 輸入,PSInvocationSettings 設定) 在System.Management.Automation.PowerShell.Invoke () at Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Hybrid.RemotePowershellSession.RunCommand (String Cmdlet, Dictionary'2 parameters, Bool...
Now let’s use set-item to change server sidewinrm settings on a remote computer to allow CredSSP authentication. You can connect to remote winrm service usingconnect-wsman cmdlet, remote computer name will show up at the top level of the wsman drive if the connection is successful. ...
PS. Is there any way I can dump/load WinRM settings to/from a file If yes, then I can dump the WinRM settings before update and load them again after update ThanksWindows 10 Windows 10 A Microsoft operating system that runs on personal computers and tablets. 10,389 questions Sig...
To get a list of your authentication settings, type the following command:Console Copy winrm get winrm/config The purpose of configuring WinRM for HTTPS is to encrypt the data being sent across the wire.WinRM HTTPS requires a local computer Server Authentication certificate with a CN matching...
Just in case things don’t work out perfectly the first time, here are some useful commands to check on the relevant configuration settings. To check if the WinRM service is running: Get-Service WinRM To check the version of WinRM that’s installed: ...
If one of the network cards on your computer has the network connection type set to “Public” then the required port won’t be opened in your firewall settings. If you’d rather not change your network connection type, you’ll have to manually configure your firewall to allow traffic thr...