You can configure various aspects of the WinRM service. The configuration information is stored in the registry. Delivery of remote events using "Push" method The WinRM Subscription Client enables remote computers to push events to the Windows Event collector service. Listener Availability The Listene...
方法/步骤 1 winrm service 默认都是未启用的状态,先查看状态;如无返回信息,则是没有启动;winrm enumerate winrm/config/listener 2 针对winrm service 进行基础配置:winrm quickconfig 3 查看winrm service listener:winrm e winrm/config/listener 4 为winrm service 配置auth:winrm set winrm/config/se...
Applies To: Windows Server 2008 R2 The WinRM service processes WSMan requests received over the network. It uses HTTP.sys to listen on the network. Aspects The following is a list of all aspects that are part of this managed entity: Management Infrastructure...
本文提供 Windows 遠端管理員 (WinRM) 服務在您卸載 WinRM 2.0 之後未啟動的問題解決方案。 原始KB 編號:974504 徵兆 您可以從執行 Windows Server 2008 或 Windows Vista 的電腦卸載 Windows Remote Manager 2.0 (WinRM)。 當您嘗試使用 net start winrm 命令啟動 WinRM 服務時,WinRM 服務...
为windows开启winrm service, 以便进行远程管理 是windows 一种方便远程管理的服务;开启winrm service,便于在日常工作中,远程管理服务器,或通过脚本,同时管理多台服务器,来提高工作效率; 1 winrm service 默认都是未启用的状态,先查看状态;如无返回信息,则是没有启动; ...
winrm service 今天看脚本忽然发现一个服务,叫winRM服务,这是个PowerShell的远程管理。开启它可以很大程度的方便用PowerShell操控! 下面是我找到的一些资料: 在Linux中,我们可以使用安全的SSH方便的进行远程管理。但在Windows下,除了不安全的Telnet以外,从Windows Server 2008开始提供了另外一种命令行原创管理方式,那就...
WinRM Service Configuration Delivery of remote events using "Push" method Listener Availability Migration of WinRM service configuration Plug-in Functionality WMI Infrastructure Message Queuing NAP Infrastructure Networking Network Policy Server Infrastructure NLB Cluster Printing Infrastructure Reliability Infrastruc...
winrm get winrm/config/service 若系统回显包含如下信息,表示WinRM服务配置成功。 Service ... Auth ... CredSSP =true 关闭不安全的认证模式 因为关闭Negotiate认证模式后将无法使用winrm命令在操作系统上设置winrm配置,所以,在关闭Negotiate认证模式前请确保执行完步骤 4~步骤 5。
winrm set winrm/config/service/auth '@{CredSSP="true"}' 在CMD窗口执行以下命令,检查WinRM服务的权限认证方式CredSSP是否开启成功。 winrm get winrm/config/service 若系统回显包含如下信息,表示WinRM服务配置成功。 Service ... Auth ... CredSSP = true关闭...
The WinRM service processes WSMan requests received over the network. It uses HTTP.sys to listen on the network. Aspects The following is a list of all aspects that are part of this managed entity: NameDescription Configuration You can configure various aspects of the WinRM service. The confi...