我已经安装了 winrm feature 并且执行了 "enable-psremoting -force". 解决方法: 运行netsh winhttp show proxy 看是否有proxy,如果有用 netsh winhttp reset proxy 重置下,就好了。 http://www.ldap389.info/en/2011/04/14/the-winrm-client-cannot-complete-the-operation-within-the-time-specified/...
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : WinRMOperationTimeout,PSSessionOpenFailed Failed to connect to an Exchange server in the current site. Enter the server FQDN where you want to connect.:Then it just show can't connect to all the exchange servers, from the wording it seems pointing to the Windows fi...
Connecting to remote server failed with the following error message : WinRM cannot complete the operation Connection to the Database doesn't work on other computers ContextMenuStrip is not showing when the application is running even if i click right mouse convert byte to KB or MB or GB or ...
Processing data for a remote command failed with the following error message: The WinRM client cannot complete the operation within the time specified. Check if the machine name is valid and is reachable over the network and firewall exception for Windows Remote Management service...
PS C:\windows\system32> Test-WSMan -ComputerName "DBServer" Test-WSMan : <f:WSManFault xmlns:f="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/ 1/wsmanfault" Code="2150859046" Machine="MyMachine"><f:Message>WinRM cannot complete the operation. Verify that the specified computer name is valid...
When I run Test-WSMan -Computername \"computername\" I get the following error messageTest-WSMan : <f:WSManFault xmlns:f=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/wsmanfault\" Code=\"2150859046\" Machine=\"Win11.abcd.local\"><f:Message>WinRM cannotcomplete the operation. Verify ...
Check the state of WinRM service:winrm get wmicimv2/Win32_Service?Name=WinRM Remote communication:Locate listeners and addresses:winrm e winrm/config/listener Remote Ping:(Successfully completing this step pretty much insure complete access to WSMan on the remote system)Winrm id –r:machine...
tried to load the pre-reqs screen related to perms accessing an XML. I stopped there and did some research. Went back and got to the same point and hit continue instead of stop,etc. Ran through the 'upgrade' again and as soon as it was ...