I teach coding atRed River College. I’ve been at the college for almost 12.5. Although I’ve learneda lotover this time, this learning has been almost exclusivly related to teaching and web development (and outside of work, parenting andopen government). ...
More scandal at RRC- Red River College review stings ex-president’s expense claims Posted onJanuary 21, 2015Updated onJanuary 21, 2015 An extensive government review has revealed poor management and questionable spending practices at Red River College in Winnipeg. In particular, former president Ste...
Выставочныйпарк Red River, Виннипег Manitoba Outdoors Show —этовыставкадлялюбителейактивногоотдыха, накоторойпредставленытоварыиуслуги, направленныеназдо...
Video: Neil Young’s 23-Minute ‘Down By The River’ – Dresden – July 2014 July 29, 2014 48 Years Ago: Bob Dylan Injured in Motorcycle Accident, Resulting in ‘Basement Tapes’ Sessions + 3 Songs July 29, 2014 Video: Jeff Tweedy Offers Acoustic Version, New Song, ‘Wait Fo...