普贝尔,全名Winnie the Pooh ,也被叫做小熊维尼,是文学作品《小熊维尼》中的主角。普贝尔,性格天真、单纯、诚实、乐观、助人为乐、体贴、贪吃、好奇。发展历程 小熊维尼是原作者米尔恩(A. A. Milne)的儿子克里斯罗宾的布娃娃,那个布娃娃是米尔恩送给它的生日礼物!故事中的小猪、跳跳虎、屹耳等故事中的角色...
Winnie the Pooh Tubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff He's Winnie the Pooh Winnie the Pooh Willy nilly silly old bear Winnie the Pooh Winnie the Pooh Tubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff He's Winnie the Pooh Winnie the Pooh Willy nilly silly old bear Winnie the ...
《小熊维尼(Winnie-the-Pooh)》是2010年联经出版事业股份有限公司出版的图书,作者是A. A. Milne,讲述小熊维尼、罗宾和森林里动物朋友们的故事。内容介绍 最爱北极熊的小男孩罗宾在逛动物园时,意外遇到一只褐色毛茸茸的小熊,罗宾将小熊命名为「维尼」,他说了一个故事给维尼听,一个关於小熊维尼住在森林里的故事...
《Winnie-the-Pooh》是Puffin出版的图书,作者是A.A. Milne 内容简介 For nearly seventy years, readers have been delighted by the adventures of Christopher Robin and his lovable friends. Paired with the perfectly suited drawings of Ernest H. Shepard, A. A. Milne’s classic story continues to ...
根据文章Winnie-the-Pooh has been introduced and reintroduced to generation after generation as a model of a child’s best friend;The Detroit Library banned The Wonderful Wizard of Oz in 1957 for having no value for children;White’s tale of the relationship between two unexpected creatures, a...