false selftrue selfimitation1 CorinthiansGalatiansNew Testament teaching on imitatio Christi has often been exegeted in ways that sound like a programme of violence to the self, particularly when focused on Christs crucifixion or kenosis. This essay explores the concept of violence to the self and...
Donald Winnicott’s work is rather well-known to most clinicians, and many of his concepts––e.g., facilitating environment, spontaneous gesture, going-on-being, impingement, annihilation, True and False Self––are utilized clinically and theoretically. Silvan Tomkins and his colleagues provide a...
This comparison leads to a characterization of the false and true selves as different genres of the narrated self—the epic and the novel—each with its specific configurations of experience and temporality. Moreover, psychoanalysis is conceived as a unique phenomenon that centers on the internal ...
Ego distortion in terms of true and false self (pp. 140–152). In Maturational processes and the facilitating environment: Studies in the theory of emotional development. London: Hogarth Press. Winnicott, D. W. (1965). Maturational processes and the facilitating environment: Studies in the ...
In his developmental theories, Winnicott invented over time such humanizing terms as "good-enough mother," "containment," "holding," "facilitating environment," "reverie," "True Self," "False Self," and "transitional phenomena." He rarely used the language of psychopathology. Rodman allows the ...
Ego distortion in terms of true and false self 王浩威译 精神分析最近新的发展之一,就是虚假自体这观念的使用越来越多。伴随着这观念的,就是真实自体的想法。 历史 这个观念本身不是新创的。这观念以不同的面貌,出现在描述精神医学里,特别是某些宗教和哲学系统里。显而易见的,这里存在一个真实的临床认为是值...
in winnicott, this problem appears linked about false and true self notions. in heidegger rises with the concepts of property and unproperty. this paper proposes the interpretative hypothesis of that heideggerian′s notion of unauthentic improperly is equal as false self winnicott′s notions....
The attainment of unit status or I AM is a crucial stage in Winnicott's theory of development and arguably ranks amongst Winnicott's more well known ideas, such as transitional object, true and false self, and primary maternal preoccupation. Using Winnicott's 1968 paper 'Sum, I am', the ...
Winnicott described the false self as an adaptive layer of personality that develops around a person's true self and thus impedes authentic self-expression. He posited that a false self develops in response to an inadequate or "not good-enough" environment. The current article explores how the...
Winnicott, Otto Kernberg and Heinz Kohut can be used in psychobiography. Details of the True Self and False Self concepts of Winnicott; Contributions of Kernberg to the development of contemporary psychoanalysis; Concept of self by Kohut.Anderson...