ham-radiopatwinlinkpat-winlink UpdatedMay 19, 2020 Shell JoshuaCarroll/giscommunicator Star5 Solution that will facilitate the creation of a situational awareness map. (Scroll down for more info.) mapweatherham-radioamateur-radiokmlweather-appsituational-awarenesswinlink ...
broadband connection to a home computer two decades ago. But it’s still reliant on being close to cell towers, which isn’t true for all locations. If you’re traveling off-grid and want to communicate with others,this guide to using Winlink can help you send emails using a ham radio...
operated and administered entirely by licensed "Ham" volunteers. Support for the system is provided by the Amateur Radio Safety Foundation, Inc., a US 501(c)(3) non-profit, public-benefit entity. Winlink Global Radio Email®️ is a US registered trademark of the Amateur Radio Safety Foun...
HAMSCOPE NBEMS WinPack OUTPOST UIView Telpac WinAPRS AGWPE MT63 dominoEX DIGTRX PACTERM FNPSK Airmail PaclinkMP RMSPacket PSKMail Stream DigiTalk HamPal NeedmoreDigitalparticipationinEmComm: Computerispartofeverydaylife AlreadyfamiliarwithE-mail,instantmessaging,etc. Shouldbeprettyeasyforanyoneto...